Gods Revelation 5 Flashcards
Why might one feel like the friendship that God had with the Israelites was one sided?
God gave the land, rescued them from slavery, gave them the Ten Commandments and the law and they abused God’s power
The major theological truth in the Book of Judges is that the Lord fought for Israel in the conquest of Canaan, while the book of Joshua explains that the Israelites gained a foothold in the land after about 200 years involving several major battles.
Why was obedience the key to the Israelites success?
When they obeyed God they were victorious. When the disobeyed the were not victorious
Israel fell apart, despite the judges help due to their unfaithfulness and lawlessness?
The two books of Samuel cover the history of the Israelites from the period of the judges to the prophet Isaiah.
The two books of kings relate to the history from the death of king David to the babalonyian captivity.
What are the religious themes of a monarch
Fidelity is Success
Disobedience is downfall
Samuel was a wise priest and prophet, and Israels last and most significant judge who helped the people to avoid idolatry.
What warnings did Samuel give the people
He warned them of slavery and their downfall
______was selected to be Israel’s first king with ____ approval. His ________ exploits were successful as well as his efforts to unite the ______. However, when he began to stray from God’s _____________. Samuel anointed ________ the greatest of all Israel’s kings, while Saul was still king
Saul God’s Military Tribes Commands David
_______ united all the _____ and became the sole king of the united nation of Israel for ____ years. In that time he made _____________ the capitals and brought the ____________________________ there to witness God’s permanent presence to the new ______________.
David Tribes 33 Jerusalem Ark of the Covenant Nation
What is the davidic covenant?
That any future kings would be from the line of David including Jesus
The Davidic Dynasty lasted eight hundred years until the Babalonyians conquered the southern kingdom.
The generations following Saul looked to him as someone God used in a special way to work out his Devine plan and to reign as a golden age for Israel.
The Davidic covenant led the Israelites to believe that the message would come from the house of Samuel to defend the chosen people from their enemies.
Despite his greatness, King David had his faults, including adultery and murder
King ___________ was a powerful and wealthy king who generally enjoyed a peaceful and _______________ reign. He made _____________ the center of religious life by building the ___________ there which proved to be his greatest achievement. Pleased with Solomon God gave him _________ exceptional understanding, and ________________
Solomon Prospheroust Jerusalem Temple Wisdom Knowledge
After Solomon’s death the United Kingdom of Israel split into two with his son Jeroboam ruling the southern kingdom while his servant Rehoboam ruling the northern ten tribes which formed the kingdom of Judah.
The downfall of the _____________ kingdom was the result of idolatry. Rather than centering the holy city of _______________, Jeroboam centered it at the two ancient __________ of Dan and Bethel.
The Hebrew word for ____________ is nabi which means mouthpiece and the basic message of Israel’s prophets was _______________________________. They appeared during Judah and the downfall. They were also in the _______________________ exile
Save and repent
Jews who compiled the Bible did not consider the northern kingdoms faith to be authentic to Yahweh because the worshipped outside of Jerusalem.
Because the prophets’ responsibility was to tell the ruling authorities what they were doing wrong, it was a thankless job that was unpopular.
What are four themes taught in the Old Testament
Worship one true God
Be just to the poor
Know that God will triumph
Accept his love and mercy
King ___________ violated the first commandment by placing two ___________________ in the cities of dan and bethel for the people to worship. This was motivated by his ______ that allowing his people in the north to worship in Jerusalem might inspire there loyalty to the southern king, and many of his ___________ followed suit.
Golden calfs
Why was Elijah considered the greatest of the Old Testament prophets second to Moses?
He was taken in to heaven on a whirlwind. The Jews believed that Elijah at the end of the world would bring peace to the world
The prophet Elijah succeeded Elisha and performed many miracles like his predecessor and sided with the poor.
The prophets Amos and Hosea were two prophets of social justice who challenged king Jeroboam II and his successors who permitted the worship of baals to the poor.
The non writing group of prophets are those that did not leave behind their own writings like Amos and Hosea
What was Amos’ message?
The worship of God must show concrete deeds of mercy and justice to the weak and the poor.
The prophet ________ began preaching the last years of Amos’ preaching and continued until the fall of Israel. In his preaching, Hosea drew on is painful __________ situation to describe Gods relationship with _________. Like Amos, he saw Israel’s worst sins including __________ and oppression of the _______.
Hosea Martial Israel Idolatry Poor
Who were the lost tribes?
They were the 27,000 people that the king sent into exile
Explain how the prophet Isaiah is unique?
The book is a collection of speeches spanning 250 years
What did Isaiah promise?
A woman will bear a son named Emanuel
How did Micha add to affirm the hope Isaiah had given?
Micha foretold the coming of a messiah who would lead Israel t peace