God Chooses a Family (5) - Unit 4 Flashcards
Who made the golden calf?
Who stood with Moses on the LORD’s side and killed three thousand men?
The Levites
Who pleaded with God to spare the Israelites?
Who gave a good report of Canaan?
Caleb and Joshua
Who buried Moses?
Who copied the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Qumran scribes
Who found the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Arab shepherd boys
Where was the tabernacle pitched in the Israelite camp?
It was pitched in the centre.
Where in the tabernacle was the golden table, the candlestick, and the altar of incense?
They were in the holy place.
Where was the ark of the covenant kept?
It was kept in the holy of holies.
What did Moses do after the Israelites were all safely through the Red Sea? [Exodus 14:27]
Moses stretched out his hand over the sea.
What happened to the first tables of stone? [Exodus 32:19]
Moses broke them.
What Hebrew measure is equal to about five pints (a bit over 2 litres)?
An omer
What did God ask the Israelites to offer for the building of the tabernacle? (Name at least four things.) [Exodus 25:3-7]
Gold; silver; brass; blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen; goats’ hair; rams’ skins dyed red; badgers’ skins; shittim wood; oil; spices; onyx stones; stones
What is an ephod?
An ephod is an apronlike coat worn by the priests.
What is a pomegranate?
It is the round, seedy fruit of a semi-tropical tree.
Why did God not lead the Israelites through the land of the Philistines? [Exodus 13:17]
He was afraid they would want to return to Egypt if they saw war.
Why did the Israelites call theh food God sent them manna? [Exodus 16:15]
They did not know what the food was, so they called it manna which means, “What is it?”
Why did the people not want to hear God’s voice? [Exodus 20:18, 19]
They were afraid of God. (They were also afraid they would die.)
Why were the ten spies afraid to enter Canaan? [Numbers 13:28, 33]
They were afraid of the strong people, walled cities, and giants that they saw in Canaan.
How did God guide the Israelites through the wilderness? [Exodus 13:21]
He led them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
How long was Moses on the mountain with God? [Exodus 24:18]
He was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.
How had the Israelites gotten the gold they had with them? [Exodus 12:35, 36]
The Egyptians had given these things to the Israelites.
How did the Israelites know that God was pleased with the tabernacle? [Exodus 40:34]
God’s glory filled the tabernacle.
What are several ways that God spoke to men in Old Testament times? Give at least four ways.
Face to face, by prophets, by angels, in dreams, through His written Word.
What did the Jews read in their synagogues every Sabbath Day? [Acts 12:14, 15; 15:21]
They read the Law and the Prophets (or the Scriptures).
What did Moses say when the people saw the Egyptians coming? [Exodus 14:13]
“Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD.”
What did the spies bring back with them? [Numbers 13:23, 27]
They brought fruit from Canaan.
What did the Israelites wish for after the spies returned? [Numbers 14:2]
They wished they had died in Egypt or in the wilderness.
What two commandments from the Old Testament did Jesus say are the greatest? [Mark 12:30, 31]
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.” “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
Why did God give His Word in written form rather than just speaking directly to men? Give three reasons.
We can remember it better, since we can reread His Word often. We can make copies of His Word to give to others. We can read it, even though we live many years after God gave His Word.
Why did most of the Israelites have to die in the desert? [Numbers 14:22, 23]
When God wanted them to enter Canaan, they rebelled and wished they were back in Egypt.
Why did Moses make a serpent of brass? [Numbers 21:7-9]
He made the serpent of brass so that those who looked at it could be saved from the serpent bites.
How do the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the Old Testament was carefully preserved?
The Dead Sea Scrolls are very similar to Hebrew copies that were made about a thousand years later.
What are the Ten Commandments?
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
- Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
- Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.
- Honour thy father and thy mother.
- Thou shalt not kill.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not steal.
- Thou shalt not bear false witness.
- Thou shalt not covet.