God Chooses a Family (5) - Unit 3 Flashcards
Who saved Joseph’s life by suggesting that his brothers throw him into a pit? [Genesis 37:21, 22]
Who told Paraoh the meaning of his dreams? [Genesis 41:25]
Joseph (with God’s help)
Who was with Joseph all the time he was in Egypt? [Genesis 39:23]
The Lord
Who promised his father that he would bring Benjamin back fom Egypt? [Genesis 43:8, 9]
Where is the lowest spot on earth?
The Dead Sea
Which sea is called Cinnereth in the Old Testament?
The Sea of Galilee
What is the large sea west of Canaan?
The Mediterranean Sea
Which river flowed through Canaan?
The Jordan River
Which river flows through Egypt?
The Nile River
Which river is east of the Euphrates River?
The Tigris River
What work did Moses do while he lived in Midian? [Exodus 3:1]
He kept the flock of Jethro (as a shepherd).
What did God name Himself? [Exodus 3:14]
I AM (that I am)
What did God command Pharaoh to do to the Israelites? [Exodus 5:1]
God commanded Pharaoh to let His people leave Egypt.
What did the Israelites get from the Egyptians before they left Egypt? [Exodus 12:35]
They got silver, gold, and clothes.
When did Joseph’s life become a blessing to people of many countries? [Genesis 41:56, 57]
It became a blessing when he sold them corn (grain) during the famine.
When did Joseph’s dreams coome true? [Genesis 42:9]
They came true when his brothers came to buy corn (grain).
When did Jacob change his mind about letting Benjamin go to Egypt? [Genesis 43:2]
He changed his mind when their food ran out.
When did Pharaoh let the Israelites go? [Exodus 12:29-32]
Pharaoh and the Egyptians urged the Israelites to leave after the death of their first-born sons.
Why did Jacob think Joseph was dead? [Genesis 37:31-33]
Joseph’s brothers dipped his coat in blood and showed it to Jacob.
Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt? [Genesis 42:3]
They needed to buy corn (grain, food).
Why did Moses flee to the land of Midian? [Exodus 2:11-15]
Pharaoh tried to kill Moses after Moses had killed an Egyptian.
How did Joseph prepare for the famine? [Genesis 41:48, 49]
He gathered grain for seven years.
How did Jacob travel to Egypt? [Genesis 45:27]
He travelled in the wagons Joseph had sent.
How did Moses’ parents save his life? [Exodus 2:2, 3]
They hid him and then put him in a small ark on the Nile.
Where in Egypt did the Israelites live? [Genesis 47:27]
They lived in Goshen.
Where did the Israelites apply the blood of the Passover lamb? [Exodus 12:7]
They applied it to the lintel and the two side posts of their doors.
Where did the Israelites receive more rain: in Canaan or in Egypt?
They received more rain in Canaan.
What does the Bible mean when it says Joseph was discreet?
He was careful in his speech and actions.
What did the new pharaoh of Egypt force the Israelites to do? [Exodus 1:11, 14]
He forced them to build cities and work in his fields.
What did Pharoah tell his people to do to all the Israelite baby boys? [Exodus 1:22]
He told his people to throw all the baby boys into the river.
What did Moses refuse to be called after he became a man? [Hebrews 11:24]
He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
What did Pharaoh say when God commanded him to let the Israelites go? [Exodus 5:2]
“Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice?”
What is hyssop?
Hyssop is a bushy, sweet-smelling plant.
When could a slave be set free under Hebrew law? (Give three answers)
a. After six years of service;
b. if his master injured or mistreated him;
c. if someone bought him out of slavery.
Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him? [Genesis 37:4]
They saw that their father loved Joseph the best. (They also hated him because of his dreams, his coat, and his reports of their evil deeds.)
Why did the new pharaoh of Egypt fear the Israelites? [Exodus 1:9, 10]
He was afraid they would rise up against the Egyptians.
Why did God send ten plagues upon Egypt?
Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. (God also brought judgment upon the Egyptian gods.)
How could Joseph see that his brothers’ hearts had changed? [Genesis 44:33]
He saw that they had love and concern for Benjamin.
How did Joseph treat his brothers after he told them who he was? [Genesis 45:4-15]
He treated them kindly and took care of them.
How did God appear to Moses in the land of Midian? [Exodus 3:2-4]
He appeared in a burning bush.