God Chooses a Family (5) - Unit 2 Flashcards
Who was Abram’s father?
Who was Abram’s nephew?
Who was Abram’s first wife?
Who was Ishmael’s mother?
Who wrestled until he received a blessing?
Who despised his birthright?
Who was Jacob’s first wife?
Who was Jacob’s favourite wife?
Who was Jacob’s father-in-law?
Where did Abram first live?
Ur of the Chaldees
Where did Abram go during a famine?
Where did Lot choose to live?
Plain of Jordan
Where did Ishmael live after he grew up?
The wilderness
Where did Rebekah first live?
Where did Jacob see a vision of angels on a ladder?
What is the starting point for A.M. dates?
What is the starting point for B.C. and A.D. dates?
The birth of Christ
What can we use to find Bible verses that contain certain words?
A concordance
What were the patriarchs’ tents made of?
Goat-hair cloth
What did Sarah do when God said she would have a son? [Genesis 18:12]
She laughed.
What was Ishmael’s skill when he grew up?
He became an archer.
What did Jacob give to Esau for his birthright? [Genesis 25:34]
A bowl of pottage (and bread)
Why did Abram tell Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister? [Genesis 12:13]
Abram was afraid Pharaoh would kill him and take Sarai.
Why did Lot choose to live near Sodom? [Genesis 13:10]
Lot saw that it was well watered and had the best land.
Why did Sarah want to send Hagar and Ishmael away? [Genesis 21:9, 10]
Sarah saw Ishmael mocking Isaac.
Why did Jacob flee to Haran? [Genesis 27:42, 43]
Esau wanted to kill Jacob for stealing the blessing.
About how many years has it been since the Creation?
About 6,000 years.
How did God supply a sacrifice to take Isaac’s place? [Genesis 22:13]
God provided a ram that was caught in a thicket.
Where was the Lord when Jacob saw his vision of angels on a ladder? [Genesis 28:13]
The Lord was above the ladder.
What do the abbreviations A.M., B.C., and A.D. mean when used with dates?
A.M. - in the year of the world
B.C. - before Christ
A.D. - in the year of our Lord
What did Abraham do with his son that showed he had faith in God? [Hebrews 11:17-19]
He prepared to offer him as a burnt sacrifice.
What did Rebekah do for Abraham’s oldest servant? [Genesis 24:17-20]
She gave water to him and his camels.
What trouble did the herdsman of Gerar cause Isaac? [Genesis 26:20]
He strove with Isaac’s herdsmen for his wells.
What sorrows did Jacob reap after he cheated his brother and deceived his father? Give at least two specific answers.
He had to run away from home to escape Esau’s anger.
Laban gave him Leah instead of Rachel.
Laban changed his wages ten times.
He feared meeting Esau again.
His older sons sold Joseph and pretended that he was dead.
What is the meaning of Jacob and Israel?
Jacob: heel catcher; supplanter
Israel: having power with God
Why did Abraham not want his servant to take Isaac back to Haran? (Give two reasons)
1. Abraham’s relatives at Haran, who worshipped idols, might have caused Isaac to forget the true God.
2. Abraham did not want Isaac to forget that God had promised to give Canaan to Abraham’s descendants.
Why did God change Jacob’s name?
Jacob had changed so much that his old name no longer described him.
How did God show Abraham what a great number of descendants he would have?
God showed Abraham the stars and told him that his descendants would also be too numerous to count. He compared Abraham’s descendants to the dust of the earth and the sand upon the seashore.
How did Rebekah know that her younger son would become greater than her older son?
Before they were born, God told her that the elder would serve the younger.
What four things did Jacob do to deceive his father into blessing him?