God Chooses a Family (5) - Unit 1 Flashcards
Who made all things?
God made all things.
Who tempted Adam and Eve?
The devil (serpent) tempted Adam and Eve.
Who has been affected by Adam and Eve’s sin?
All people have been affected by Adam and Eve’s sin.
Who was saved in the ark?
Noah, his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives.
Where did men build the Tower of Babel?
They built it on the plain of Shinar.
Where can we find the meanings of difficult Bible words?
In a Bible dictionary
What did God make on each of the six days of Creation?
Day 1: The heavens and the earth, and also light;
Day 2: The firmament;
Day 3: The dry land, the grass, the trees, and the flowers;
Day 4: The sun, the moon, and the stars;
Day 5: The fish and the birds;
Day 6: The animals and man.
What is the firmament?
The sky
What did Timothy know as a child?
He knew the Scriptures.
When did God rest from his work of creating the world?
He rested on the seventh day.
When did God scatter man over the face of the earth?
He scattered them after He confused the langage at the Tower of Babel.
Why did God give the Bible to men?
He gave us the Bible for our learning.
Why must all men die?
For all have sinned, and sin means death.
Why did Cain kill Abel?
Cain was envious when God accepted Abel’s righteous works and rejected his own evil works.
Why did God destroy the earth with a flood?
God destroyed the earth because of man’s wickedness.
Why did men start to build the Tower of Babel
They wanted to make a name for themselves, and to avoid being scattered all over the earth.
How long will God’s Word stand?
God’s Word will stand forever.
How did God keep man out of Eden?
With cherubim and a flaming sword.
How long did it rain during the Flood?
It rained for forty days and forty nights.
How high did the water rise during the flood?
It rose 15 cubits (about 7 metres) above the mountain peaks.
How did Timothy become wise?
He became wise through his knowledge of the Scriptures.
Who was with God in the beginning and helped to create all things? [John 1:1-3]
Who perished in the flood? [Genesis 7:23]
All the people and land animals that were not in the ark.
What lie did Satan tell Eve? [Genesis 3:4]
“Ye shall not surely die.”
What did God use to clothe Adam and Eve?
Animal skins
What chapter in Genesis tells about Adam and Eve’s sin?
Chapter 3
What does the word covenant mean?
A binding agreement
What does the word sanctify mean?
It means to set apart for holy use.
What did God curse because of man’s sin? [Genesis 3:17]
God cursed the ground.
What covenant did God make with Noah? [Genesis 9:11]
That the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood.
What chapter in Genesis tells how Noah built an ark?
Chapter 6
Why were Adam and Eve afraid of God? [Genesis 3:8-11]
They were afraid because they had disobeyed Him.
Why was the LORD displeased with what was happening on the plain of Shinar? [Genesis 11:5, 6]
The people were becoming proud.
How does God want us to use the Bible? Give five ways.
Read, hear, study, believe, and obey.
How did the men who wrote the Bible know what to write? [2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21]
The Holy Spirit told men what to write. (God inspired them.)
How did God create light and many other things? [Genesis 1:3]
He spoke the words, “Let there be . . .”
How did Abel show that he had faith in God? [Hebrews 11:4]
Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain or Abel offered the best that he had.
How do we know that Noah had faith in God? [Hebrews 11:7; Genesis 6:22]
Noah built the ark just as God had commanded. (He obeyed God.)