God Chooses a Family (5) - Unit 1 Flashcards
Who made all things?
God made all things.
Who tempted Adam and Eve?
The devil (serpent) tempted Adam and Eve.
Who has been affected by Adam and Eve’s sin?
All people have been affected by Adam and Eve’s sin.
Who was saved in the ark?
Noah, his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives.
Where did men build the Tower of Babel?
They built it on the plain of Shinar.
Where can we find the meanings of difficult Bible words?
In a Bible dictionary
What did God make on each of the six days of Creation?
Day 1: The heavens and the earth, and also light;
Day 2: The firmament;
Day 3: The dry land, the grass, the trees, and the flowers;
Day 4: The sun, the moon, and the stars;
Day 5: The fish and the birds;
Day 6: The animals and man.
What is the firmament?
The sky
What did Timothy know as a child?
He knew the Scriptures.
When did God rest from his work of creating the world?
He rested on the seventh day.
When did God scatter man over the face of the earth?
He scattered them after He confused the langage at the Tower of Babel.
Why did God give the Bible to men?
He gave us the Bible for our learning.
Why must all men die?
For all have sinned, and sin means death.
Why did Cain kill Abel?
Cain was envious when God accepted Abel’s righteous works and rejected his own evil works.
Why did God destroy the earth with a flood?
God destroyed the earth because of man’s wickedness.