Goats Flashcards
What licensed products are there for goats?
Lethobarb 20% Pentobarbitol Oxytocin Coxevac and Gudair Sterilised water Baytril Eprinex
Do goats develop age dependent resistance to worms, like sheep?
No so housed all year round
What must a goat be registered by and issued with, even if a pet?
Registered via local DEFRO AHDO
Issued a holding number
Issued an ear tag number
What type of eater are goats?
Which Clostridial diseases are most important in goats? What are they caused by?
Enterotoxaemia - C perfringens type D
Tetanus - C tetani
Clinical signs of enterotoxaemia in goats?
Peracute with rapid death
Sub-acute - profuse scour +/- dysentery
Trigger factors for enterotoxaemia in goats?
Acidosis - result of overfeeding compound or cereals
Sudden change in diet - housing/turnout?
Stress - bullying, concurrent illness/injury
Treatment of enterotoxaemia in goats?
Largely symptomatic IV or oral fluids NSAIDs Analgesia - Rimadyl? Charcoal/bismuth Keep warm and stimulated
Long term prevention of enterotoxaemia in goats?
Vaccination - 4 in 1 vaccine
Regular booster doses (6, 4 or even 3 monthly)
Clinical diseases caused by Listeria in goats?
Septicaemia and sudden death
Diagnosis of encephalitis and septicaemia/sudden death caused by Listeria?
Clinical signs
CSF examination
Treatment for Listeriosis diseases in goats?
Antibiotics - potentiated sulphonamides?NSAIDs
Fluids vital (remember often acidotic due to salivary loss)
What is the main route of Listeria infection in goats? How to avoid?
Wet/poor silage
Keep dry/well stored
Can deteriorate over 24 hours - discard if uneaten and replace with fresh
What type of virus in Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)?
Diagnosis of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)?
Blood sample detects antibody
Confirms viraemic infection as Ab doesn’t eliminate the virus
6 months of age
Most common clinical appearance of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)?
Rare to see signs
A swollen joint - most commonly the carpal joint (can be painful)
Weight loss
When is encephalitis seen in Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE)?
Rare - young kids
How is Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) spread in goats?
Mostly via colostrum/milk
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) control?
No vaccine or treatment
Test and cull
Clinical signs of Johne’s in goats?
3y+ Poor milk yield Wasting Anaemia Normal faeces (scour only in terminal stages)
Diagnosis of Johne’s in goats?
Faeces culture + PCR
PME - gross and histopath
Serology - ELISA
Gross pathology of Johne’s in goats?
Subtle thickening of intestines (ileum?)
Grossly swollen mesenteric lymph nodes
Control of Johne’s in goats?
Vaccination - Gudair vaccine Develop culling policy? Snatch kids and rear separately Avoid pooled colostrum Maintain clean feeding environment
What causes caseous lymphadenitis (CLA)?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
Average goat milk yield/lactation?
Average goat lactation length?
13 months
Which presentation of mastitis is most common in goats?
Clinical mastitis is rare
Sub-clinical mastitis is extremely common
Main cause of clinical mastitis in goats?
Why are goats not usually kept outside?
If limited grazing, land can quickly become ‘worm sick’ and production becomes unsustainable
What is eprinex? Problems?
Licensed pour on for goats
For end and ectoparasites
Nil milk withhold - attractive to clients, but increased use leads to increased resistance risk
Dual efficacy - when using for ectoparasites, may ignore effect on endoparasites
Causing of a wasting group of goats?
Nutrition - quality, quantity, clean and fresh, trough space
Causes of a wasting individual goat?
Oral - teeth, gums, tongue Locomotor disease Johne's Other chronic infections Endoparasites Ectoparasites Tumours Scrapie
Metabolic disease seen in goats?
Marginal peri-parturient hypocalcaemia - maybe common
Hypomagnesaemia - rare
Respiratory diseases of goats?
Pasteurellosis - Mannheimia haemolytica
Lungworm - Dictyocaulus, Muellerius
Clinical signs of TB in goats (‘spillover hosts’)?
Weight loss Inappetance Reduced milk yield Dyspnoea Coughing No response to treatment
TB tests in goats?
Pre and post movement SICCT TB test - 2 months quarantine
TB test if clinical suspicion
No routine TB testing - only under certain circumstances with permission from DEFRA
Causes of lameness in goats?
Foot rot Foul Scald Foot abscess Trauma
Where do mites affect goats?
Psoroptic mange - ears
Chorioptic mange - lower limbs
Demodectic mange - head/neck/body
Sarcoptic mange - udders, body
What is Pygmy Goat Syndrome?
Primary/secondary keratinisation disorder
Unknown aetiology
Familial - small genetic pool
Eyes, ears, nose, head
Axilla, groin, perineum
Symptomatic treatment
Diagnosis - rule out differentials, biopsy
Causes of diarrhoea in young kids?
E.coli Salmonella Rotavirus Crytosporidia Poor feeding protocol - too dilute milk substitute, haphazard feeding pattern, dirty utensils
What % of goat Coccidia species are pathogenic?
What type of breeders are goats?
Seasonal polyoestrus
Sept - Feb
Pregnancy diagnosis of goats?
Lack of oestrus Abdominal enlargement Ballotment Udder development Oestrone sulphate test after 50 days Ultrasound
Clinical signs and cause of false pregnancies (hydrometra) in goats? How to treat?
Abdominal enlargement Udder development More prevalent following synchronisation Association with persistent CL Prostaglandin 2 doses 12 days apart of Lutalyse
Causes of abortion in goats?
Same as sheep!
When to disbud horns of goat kids? What must be considered?
Must be vet GA and NSAIDs recommended Horn growth rapid - disbud between 2-7 days Local anaesthetics not well toelrated Very thin skull Beware re-growth
Which plants do goats like that make them vomit? What to do?
Must give antibiotics for few days to prevent aspiration pneumonia
Diagnosis of:
- dairy goats with recent abortions
- purulent, smelly vaginal discharge
- farmer drinks their milk and is ill with flu like symptoms
Q fever - people need immediate medical treatment