GMAT Flashcards
загородный житель регулярно ездящий на работу в город
they successfully scuttled the deal, the attempt
foil, deliberately cause something to fail (ˈskʌtl)
define, demarcate, determine
arcane information
secret, mysterious (ɑːrˈkeɪn)
two concurrent factors
coexisting, происходящий одновременно (kənˈkɜːrənt)
I don’t mean to disparage your achievements
underrate, decry, deride (dɪˈspærɪdʒ)
pray, beg, beseech, appeal, молить
beg, supplicate, appeal (bɪˈsiːtʃ)
the book does not purport to be a complete history; the party that had once purported to represent the common man
претендовать на что-то, profess, pretend (pərˈpɔːrt)
язычник (ˈpeɪɡən)
I indulged myself with a hot bath; they indulged in some shopping
revel in, wallow in, relish smth (ɪnˈdʌldʒ)
fill contrition
remorse, раскаяние, sorrow, compunction (kənˈtrɪʃn)
St George slew (slay) the dragon
kill, murder (sluː)
funds allotment
allocation, apportionment (əˈlɑːtmənt)
The proposal was assailed by the opposition party; He was assailed with fierce blows
attack, assault; berate, criticize, denounce, decry (əˈseɪl)
be assailed by worries/doubts/fears
to be upset, dismayed (əˈseɪl)
nascent industry
incipient, fledgling, inchoate (ɪnˈkoʊət) (ˈnæsnt)
incipient unrest
nascent, fledgling, inchoate (ɪnˈkoʊət) (ɪnˈsɪpiənt)
lackadaisical attempts to find a job
lazy, passive, вялый, slothful (ˈsloʊθfl) (ˌlækəˈdeɪzɪkl)
воспитание, растить детей (ˈrɪrɪŋ)
boon to the overall well-being
stiff economic sanctions
difficult, severe, rigorous, harsh
to convene a meeting, a study
gather a meeting, assemble, summon (kənˈviːn)
with hindsight it is easy to say, it looks obvious in hindsight
глядя назад, взгляд в прошлое
I will try to elucidate what I think the problems are
explain (iˈluːsɪdeɪt)
The government’s approach to the problem was haphazard
random, arbitrary, случайный (hæpˈhæzərd)
police exonerated Lewis from all charges of corruption
absolve of, exempt from the charges, discharge from (ɪɡˈzɑːnəreɪt)
we must not become complacent about progress
самодовольный; too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, contented (kəmˈpleɪsnt)
unsolicited advice
unwelcome, not asked for (ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd)
be adept in smth
be skilled, adroit (əˈdrɔɪt) (ˈædept)
noticeable, evident, apparent, conspicuous
bemoan the fact that
express sorrow, lament; complain (bɪˈmoʊn)
salary will be commensurate with experience
matching, corresponding, comparable (kəˈmenʃərət)
juxtapose A and/with B
put together to show a contrast (ˌdʒʌkstəˈpoʊz)
shopping’s a real chore for me
routine, burden, работа по хозяйству (tʃɔːr)
devoid of life
destitute of, deprived of, lacking
unwieldy administrative bureaucracies
cumbersome, bulky; неповоротливый (ʌnˈwiːldi)
spoils of war
Hoary argument , stereotype
old, venerable, obsolete (ˈhɔːri)
fledgling industry
incipient, nascent, inchoate (ɪnˈkoʊət) оперившийся (ˈfledʒlɪŋ)
book will enthrall readers
fascinate, enrapture (ɪnˈθrɔːl)
She remained implacable
an implacable enemy
relentless, inexorable (ɪnˈeksərəbl), unrelenting ɪmˈplækəbl
bureaucratic juggernaut
large force that can not и controlled (ˈdʒʌɡərnɔːt)
ordeal of giving evidence in court.
difficult or unpleasant experience
поджог (ˈɑːrsn)
retaliation, revenge
in deference to the customs of the country
respect (ˈdefərəns)
coerce (koʊˈɜːrs), enslave, enthrall (ɪnˈθrɔːl) (ˈsʌbdʒuɡeɪt)
NY and its environs
surroundings (ɪnˈvaɪrənz)
eerie journey
strange, mysterious and frightening, uncanny (ˈɪri)
amenable children; amenable to therapy
easy to control; subject to, liable
financial exigencies
exigency of war
urgency, acuteness, vicissitude
pounce on an opportunity
уцепиться за что-то (за слово)
floundering Internet company
struggling, endangered (ˈflaʊndər)
воинская повинность
who historically has been loath to
reluctant, unwilling (loʊθ)
he condescended to see us
снизошел (ˌkɑːndɪˈsend)
chaos engulfed the west
inundate, поглощать (ɪnˈɡʌlf)
he was feted opulently
пышно чествовать (feɪt)
need, disaster was obviated
avoid (ˈɑːbvieɪt)
propensity for violence; to exaggerate
inclination, predilection (ˌpriːdɪˈlekʃn)
she is an omnivorous reader
всеядный, voracious (vəˈreɪʃəs), rapacious (rəˈpeɪʃəs) (ɑːmˈnɪvərəs)
debunk theories, myths
disprove, refute (ˌdiːˈbʌŋk)
sudden death was foreshadowed by health problems
predict, foretell, portend, be an omen, harbinger
he shouted indecencies at anyone who passed
нпристойность, obscenity (ɪnˈdiːsnsi)
border skirmish
перестрелка (ˈskɜːrmɪʃ)
стационарный больной
Egyptians are credited with creating the pyramids
o say or believe that someone is responsible for
He was reticent about his personal life
She was shy and reticent
secretive, quiet, (ˈretɪsnt)
muscle/brain/nerve tissue
The company is attempting to revamp its image
overhaul, renovate (ˈriːvæmp)
The administration was tainted with scandal
blemish, smear
He’ll probably get home after midnight
Are they coming? Possibly not
Probably - very likely
Possibly - not certain (50% chance)
I presumed (that) he understood the rules person is presumed innocent until proved guilty
assume, suppose
cull information from various sources
The wildlife park is planning to cull 2,000 elephants.
select, collect, gather
slaughter, kill, destroy (kʌl)
proselytize the electorate
convince, persuade, (ˈprɑːsələtaɪz)
executives are under pressure to show high profits
vapour of smoke
fumes, mist, пары
houses built of timber
wood, древесина для строительства
The troops were debilitated by hunger and disease
strike action debilitated the industry
weaken, incapacitate, cripple (dɪˈbɪlɪteɪt)
tenet of a theory
basic/central tenets of Christianity
belief, principle, assumption, doctrine (ˈtenɪt)
embroil in a war
He became embroiled in a dispute
involve, entangle, ensnare, впутывать (ɪmˈbrɔɪl)
bruising was not contiguous to the wound
adjacent, касающийся (kənˈtɪɡuəs)
Trump’s ascension to the presidency
ascent, climbing, восхождение
Facebook got vilified for not doing anything to stop it
malign, berate, slander, denigrate, disparage (ˈvɪlɪfaɪ)
they duly try to fulfil that obligation
They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain
in the correct or expected manner, properly, accordingly, punctually (ˈduːli)
inhibit growth
his presence inhibited them from asking questions
stunt, squelch (skweltʃ), impede, hamper, hinder, stifle (ˈstaɪfl), thwart (θwɔːrt), curb, inhibit (ˈhɑːbl), cramp (kræmp) (ɪnˈhɪbɪt)