Glutes and Hips Flashcards
Thegluteal muscles, are a muscle group consisting of 3 muscles..
gluteus maximus,gluteus medius,gluteus minimus
In terms offunction, the gluteal muscles act on thehip joint, mainly to facilitate
- abduction and extension of the thigh
- but some also assist in the adduction
- external rotation and internal rotation of the thigh
Gluteus maximus - Largest muscle in the body, name the functions
1) Hip extension - Moving your leg/ hip posterior (back) of the body
2) External rotations.
Exercises for hip extension
- Glute bridges
- Leg glute lifts
- Standing kick backs
Exercises for external rotations
- Clambshells
- Fire Hydrants
Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus
To stabilise your hips when walking and does abductors. Helps with posture
Functions of Gluteus medius and Gluteus minimus
- Abductions - The femur is moving away from the body.
- Side leg lifts (lying down) against gravity
- Standing leg abductions
Hip Flexion
- Hip Flexion Bringing the knee closer to the hip. They are important to keep the posteriormuscles in balance.
Having a strongcore.
These muscles will also increase their length and help prevent injury.
Exercises for hip flexion
- Knee lift
- Frong leg raises
- Mountain climbers
The hip flexors consist of 5 key muscles that contribute to hip flexion
iliacus,psoas,pectineus,rectus femoris, asartorius.
Hip extension is
Moving your leg/ hip posterior (back) of the body
Exercises for hip extension
- Glute bridges
- Leg glute lifts
- Standing kick backs
Adduction is
Moving the femur back towards the body. Exercise is Side leg inwards
Abduction is
Originating from the Ilium Abductions - The femur is moving away from the body.
Abduction exercises
- Side leg lifts (lying down) against gravity
- Standing leg abductions
Knee Extension
activating and working quads - Lengthening your leg
Knee flexion
activating and working hamstrings. Bending your leg inwards