Glossary Of Terms IV Flashcards
Opposition to the change of flow of alternating current by inductance or capacitance
Rotating Field
An electrical field set up by alternating current in a motor that behaves as though the magnetic poles were moving around the winding
Rotating part of an electric motor
Run Load Amps (RLA)
The running amps of a motor at full capacity. Same as full load amps
Run Winding
Main winding of a single phase motor that has low resistance
Service Factor
A measurement for self-cooled motors that states the percent horsepower the motor can perform beyond it’s nameplate rating
Single Phase Motor
A motor that operates on single phase alternating current
Rotor speed drag expressed as the difference between rotor speed and the speed of the motors rotating magnetic field
Split Phase Motor
A single phase motor that has an auxiliary start winding 45-90 degrees electrically away from the main winding
Squirrel Cage Winding
An induction winding of uniformed conductors distributed around the periphery and joined by continuous end rings. Referred to as a rotor of and induction motor