Glossary Family Flashcards
____ : in modern societies, this refers to the practices associated with child rearing that emphasise children having ‘special needs’ requiring intensive forms of parenting, usually but not exclusively mothering
_____ : the belief in romantic attachment as the basis for contracting marriage ties. Sociologists argue that affective individualism is particular to modernity.
Affective individualism
____: marriage based on choice of partner and ideas of romantic love with the goal of enduring companionship.
Companionate marriage
____: the idea that in contemporary society, individuals must be able to share intimacy as part of leading a personally fulfilling life.
Disclosing intimacy
____: in general, the way that tasks are allocated within a society. In relation to the sociology of the family, the division of labour is often used to describe the gendered pattem of the allocation of paid and unpaid work in the private (home) and public (workplace) spheres.
Division of labour
The ____ ____ of the family: a concept used to descnbe the contradictions in famy life, particularly between the family as a site for the expression of intimacy, and the family as the site of often hidden violence, exploitation and personal degradation
double life
____: A family group consisting of more than two generations in the same household. Generaly described as a family form more common prior to the Industrial Revolution.
Extended family household
____: alternative spellings of a concept used to describe the ways in which ideologies or discourses about family life dictate ideas of normalcy to regulate gendered patterns of conformity.
____: the process describing the ways in which a household is formed - for example through marriage
Family formation
____: a household formed on the basis of family ties or associations.
Family household
____: household form typical of modernity, comprising usually a heterosexual couple and their children.
Gendered family household
____: a place of residence
___: an anthropological term used to describe blood ties. Note that blood can have various meanings. For example, some kinship groups are formed through ‘milk’. In modern societies, kin usually refers to ties based on descent (known as ‘consanguines’) and sometimes marriage known as ‘affines’)
____: a political philosophy emphasising the rights of the sovereign indIvidual and criticising the role of the State in social life.
____: conventionally understood as husband and wife and ‘immature offspring’ all residing together.
Nuclear family
____: definitions developed to enable reliable measures of phenomenon over time
Operational definitions
____: a term used to describe contemporary relationships based on an individual quest for intimacy. Pure relationships are characterised as intense, but terminable.
Pure relationship
____: the processes that sustain or ‘reproduce’ patterns of social relations and the social structure over time. Marxists specifically use this term to describe the reproduction of labour power and the relations of production.
Social reproduction
____: a term developed by Erving Goffman to describe a place of residence that is cut off from wider society, and formally administered to meet the needs of the institution rather than the individuals who live there.
Total institution