Glossary Column 8 Flashcards
A short melodic phrase of just a few notes.
A recording of a performance on separate tracks in which each track can be edited individually to change levels, add effects etc.
The fast octave repetitions in the bass.
Murky Bass
A chord built on the flattened supertonic note.
Neapolitan Chord
An essential melody part that must be played.
A series of eight notes occupying the interval between(and including) two notes for example, between one C and the nearest C above or below it.
The music setting sounds like the word, for example drop.
Notes that decorate a melody. These are shown by small notes(grace notes) immediately before the main note or symbols above it. Examples include the mordent, the trill and the turn.
A persistent phrase or motif repeated over several bars or more.
A symbol(a little dotted line with 8va at the end beginning) indicating that notes should be played an octave higher than written.
Ottava Alta
A symbol(a little dotted line with 8vb at the beginning)indicating that notes should be played an octave lower than written.
Ottava Bassa
A concluding section, sometimes like a coda in Classical music.
Recording an instrumental or vocal part over previously recorded music.
A synthesiser sound designed to be used in chords as opposed to lead lines
Giving sounds different levels in the left and right speakers so that it sounds as if they are coming from a new direction.
A constantly moving passage, often in patterns of quick notes such as semiquavers. It often includes sequences.
Modulations where the new key only lasts for a few bars(or less0 before modulating to another key.
Passing Modulation