Glossary Column 11 Flashcards
An Italian style Purcell was influenced by, characterised by the concertato style, the trio sonata, double-dotted notes, dramatic recitatives, and da capo arias.
Stile italiano
When entries of the subject occur closer together than before, heightening the tension.
The short main theme of the fugue.
Often used in Jazz, the first of a pair of quavers is given a slightly longer duration and the second a shorter, creating a skipping feel.
Swung rhythm
Music that has a triplet feel, even when notated with straight quavers.
One note per syllable of a word.
Syllabic word-setting
When one note is sung per syllable.
When a weak bar or a note in between beat is purposely accented.
Emphasising beats of the bar that are normally unaccented.
An electronic musical instrument that creates sounds by manipulating combinations of waveforms or by modifying existing sounds.
A style of electronic music beginning with ‘T’.
Literally means ‘robbed time’. This is a technique where the performer can pull back the tempo for expressive effect.
Tempo Rubato
A simple musical form in three sections with an ABA structure.
Ternary Form
The character of a piece of music created by the interactions of it’s various parts.
Refers to a sharpened third in the tonic chord in music in a minor key.
Tierce de Picardie
Small arcs drawn from one note head to the next, indicating that you should add up the tied note values and hold on the note instead of sounding it a second time.
The particular tone colour of an instrument of voice.