Globalization - a boon or a bane ? Flashcards
What is a global village ?
It is a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian philosopher, to describe the way the globe has become a village as a result of the instantaneous movement of information. McLuhan thought that the enhanced speed news very rapidly leads them to become more involved with one another wherever they are.
une expression inventée par…
a phrase coined by…
une frontière
a border, a frontier
un monde sans frontière
a borderless world
l’économie mondiale
the global economy
What is the World Trade Organization (or WTO ; in French, “OMC”) ?
It is an international organization designed by its founders to supervise and liberalize international trade. The organization was officially created on 1 January 1995, succeeding the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It deals with the regulation of trade between its 153 members.
le commerce, les échanges
le commerce extérieur
overseas trade
le libre-échange
free trade
un partisan du libre-échange
a free trader
l’économie de marché
the free market, free-market economy
un partisan du libéralisme
a free-marketeer
le libéralisme
la libéralisation des échanges
the liberalisation of trade
la déréglementation
déréglementer le transport aérien
to deregulation the airline industry
Do you know what is The World Is Flat : A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century ?
The World Is Flat : A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is a bestselling book published in 2005 by Thomas L. Friedman, an American journalist, about globalization. The title suggest the world is a level playing field in terms of trade, where all competitors have the same opportunities.
une zone de libre-échange
a free trade area
un partenaire commercial
a trading partner
les chiffres du commerce extérieur
trade figures
la balance commerciale
the balance of trade
un excédent / un déficit commercial
a trade surplus / deficits
la libre circulation des marchandises
the free flow of goods
les flux de capitaux
capital flow
la fuite de capital
flight of capital
un paradis fiscal
a tax haven
What is the Internal Monetary Fund (IMF ; in French “FMI”) ?
It is an international organization that oversees the global financial system by following the economic policies of its 158 members countries. It aims at fostering global monetary cooperation, securing financial stability, facilitating international trade, promoting high employment and sustainable economic growth, and fighting poverty. It also offers loans mainly to poorer countries.
to oversee
to foster
un prêt
a loan
les bienfaits et les dangers de la mondialisation
the benefits and pitfalls of globalization
les avantages et les inconvénients de la mondialisation
the advantages and drawbacks / the pros and cons of globalization
les arguments pour / contre la mondialisation
the case for / against globalization
Tell me more about globalization
Globalization, in the sens of rapid integration of international markets for commodities, manufactured goods, labour and capital is not a new phenomenon. In the three decade before 1914, trade in goods reached as large a proportion of global output as in the past thirty years. In a world of less regulated borders, international migration was almost certainly larger relative to world population.
se développer
to develop
to industrialize
la croissance économique
economic growth
les pays riches
the rich world
les pya du Nord, les pays développés
developed, industrialized countries
les pays du Sud, les pays en voie de développement
developing, industrializing countries
le Tiers Monde
the Third World
un pays émergent
an emerging country
les PMA, les pays les moins avancés
LDCs, least developed countries
une économie émergente
an emerging economy
la Chine et l’Inde
le commerce équitable
fair trade
des objets artisanaux
What does BRICS mean ?
BRICS is an acronym that refers to the major emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The acronym was coined in 2001 by Goldman Sachs, a US investment bank, which argued that by 2050, the combined economies of the BRICS members could eclipse the combined economies of the current richest countries of the world. The five countries currently account for about a third of the world’s population and are all influential players on the international stage.
représenter (chiffre, part…)
to account for
un exportateur / un importateur
an exporter / an importer
un pays exportateur de pétrole
an oil-exporting country
le taux de change
the exchange rate
pénétrer sur un marché
to break into a market
s’emparer d’un marché
to corner, capture a market
le protectionnisme
mesures / politiques protectionnistes
protectionist measures / policies
les tarifs douaniers, les droits de douanes
les droits de douanes
customs duties
les barrières douanières
trade barriers
abaisser / supprimer les barrières
to lower / remove trade barriers
une multinationale
a multinational (company)
What does Alter-globalization (from the French “altermondialisme”) mean ?
It is a social movement that supports global cooperation and interaction, but opposes the negative effects of economic globalization on environmental protection, economic justice, labour protection, indigenous cultures and human rights. Most members of this movement shun the label “anti-globalization” since they do not oppose economic globalization as such.
to shun
en tant que tel
as such
les délocalisations
outsourcing, offshoring, relocating
délocaliser la production / des emplois
to outsource, relocation production / jobs
implanter une usine
to set up a factory
un fournisseur
a supplier
économies d’échelle
economies of scale
une centre d’appels
a call center
des emplois du secondaire
manufacturing jobs
le tertiaire, les services
the service industries, the service sector
profiter de la main-d’oeuvre bon marché
to take advantage of cheap labour
le travail des enfants
child labour
les conditions de travail
working conditions
les normes en matière d’emploi / d’environnement
labour / environmental standards
les coûts de production / salariaux
production / wage costs
la concurrence
concurrence acharnée / déloyale
fierce / unfair competition
le dumping
vendre à perte
to trade at a loss
un concurrent
a competitor
la compétitivité
être en concurrence avec des travailleurs peu payés
to compete with low-paid workers
être à la traîne
to lag behind
rattraper un concurrent
to catch up with a competitor
se maintenir au même niveau qu’un concurrent
to keep up with a competitor
le dumping social
social dumping
une subvention
a subsidy
to subsidize
l’exception culturelle
cultural exception, cultural exemption
What is “Cultural exception” ?
Cultural exception is a concept introduced by France in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) negociations in 1003. It states that cultural exports should be protected.
un militan anti-mondialiste
an antiglobalization activist,
an antiglobalization protester ;
an antiglobalist
la démondialisation
une émeute
a riot
What is the Tobin tax ?
The Tobin tax is a tax on the trade currencies. It was thought up by the Nobel Prize winner James Tobin in the 1970s as a way of thwarting speculation and securing financial stability. This idea of such a tax was revived in the late 1990s by ATTAX, an anti-globalization organization.
Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens
to thwart
être remis à l’ordre du jour
to be revived
un militant
an activist
une monnaie forte
a hard currency
une monnaie faible
a soft currency
une multinationale
a multinational, an MNC
une filiale
a subsidiary
une montée du protectionnisme
a surge of protectionism
la fuite des cerveaux
brain drain
des pays où la main d’oeuvre est bon marché
cheaper labor-cost countries
la concurrence
la contrefaçon
counterfeiting ;
le “dégraissage” d’une entreprise
“boeuf aux hormones”
hormone-injected beef
“la malbouffe”
junk food
to lay off ;
to make sb redundant
barrières non-tarifaires
rachat d’une entreprise
les subventions, subventionner
subsidies, to subsidize
taxes douanières
tariffs ; duties
les barrières tarifaires
tariff barriers
balance commerciale
trade balance
accord commercial
trade agreement
bloc commercial
trade bloc
déséquilibre commercial
trade gape
représailles commerciales
trade retaliations
négociations commerciales
trade talks
infraction commerciale
trade violation
guerre commerciale
trade war
concurrence déloyale
unfair competition
Association of South-East Asian Nations
Asia-Pacific Co-operation
the Caribbean Islands Community
EFTA : European Free Trade Association
les NPI
the Newly Industrialized Countries
la CEI (Communauté des Etats Indépendants)
violer un embargo
to breach an embargo
combler un écart, un fossé
to bridge a gap
to catch up
to demonstrate
être à la traîne
to lag
lever un embargo
to lift a ban, an embargo
to relocate
pénétrer un marché
to tap a marché
to outsource
la relocalisation
the reshoring
to reshore