globalisation of the food industry Flashcards
what issues does globalisation create for food insecurity?
food miles
inequality between TNCs + small suppliers
prices crises
food miles
- a measure of how far food has travelled from producer to consumer -> globalisation = food transported over longer distances eg supermarket food travels an avg of 2400km before arriving on the shelves.
- due to broadening tastes by customers for year round supplies, fresh fruit + veg now have to be transported over vast distances eg apples from US to UK 10,133 miles
- the use of HGV’s has increased by 23% since 1978 which have a greater release of CO2 than other vehicles
- UK 25% of all miles covered is due to moving food, annually transporting food in the UK produces 19 million tonnes of CO2 estimated by DEFRA
- environmental affects = greenhouse gas emissions -> extreme weather eg drought, water becomes scarcer, needed for crop use
inequality between TNCs + small suppliers
- production, distribution + consumption of food become dominated by TNCs, agribusinesses + larger food retailers.
- TNCs favour capital intensive operations (economies of scale) = small producers disadvantaged + marginalised. TNCs can control the terms of farmers due to their size.
eg in Brazil, India + S africa large TNCs decrease the power of nationals govt to regulate their own food system
- as countries develop + affluence increases , consumption shifts from cereals towards foods that are more expensive eg meat + dairy
- Nauru has the largest % of obese adults at 61%
- China’s consumption of meat products has increased 6-fold in past 30 yrs due to the rising middle classes
- no. of fast food outlets increasing eg in Brazil. no. of McDonald’s grew 380% 1993-2002
food crises
global food prices are volatile + vulnerable to price shocks. price increases may be due to sudden shortages in supply, transport issues, fuel costs or natural hazards
what opportunities has globalisation led to?
technological innovation
short term food relief
consumer choice
technological innovation
- modern biotechnology -> altering DNA in crops, GM crops will withstand harsh environmental conditions related to global warming. significant to nations suffering form desertification eg Kazakstan
- GM crops can make crops easier to grow + makes food cheaper, positive for consumer if lower income thus better access to food.
although remains challenge of ensuring that advances are equally shared between all farms + countries at varying stages of development
consumer choice
global food trade has meant that many consumers now have access to wide range of products through outlets + online
eg Coca Cola
retail giants eg carrefour have extended choice through multinational locations
short term aid
co-operation + co-ordination of food aid enhanced
international aid include bilateral, multilateral + non governmental
eg civil war in Syria 2011 4 mill people assisted