Globalisation, Green crime, Human rights and State crime Flashcards
Castells - crime with £1 trillion a year, its from:
Arms trafficking- guns to illegal regimes
Trafficking nuclear materials- North Korea
Smuggling of illegal immigrants -
Trafficking women and children-
Sex tourism- western go to their world for sex
Trafficking body parts- organ transplants
Cyber crimes- child pornography
Green crimes- damage to environment
International terrorism-
Smuggling of illegal goods- tobacco
Trafficking in endangered species-
Drugs trade-
Money laundering-
globalisation has meant jobs have gone to third world countries, this means the poor lack the opportunity to get jobs and therefore go to crime. Also meant white collar crime grows- can avoid taxes and get illegal labour
Rothe and Friedrichs
Western countries have most control of the world bank, when poor countries need loans they make them cut spending on education etc and make them privatise things such as water, allowing western countries to expand there.
Hobbs and Dunningham- Glocal
local crimes now have international links, drugs originally come from Columbia, then to the uk then are dispersed out by one person to local areas who then sell them locally.
Glenny - mcmafia
after the fall of Communism in Russia natural resources stayed at the fixed rates of the communists, this was very cheap compared to the rest of the world. those with money in Russia bought lots of this, and sold them abroad for large profits they became know as Oligarchs. Large disorder in Russia as little police, oligarchs paid ex convicts and kgb members to protect their money- mafia. Mafia had no heritage to join, simply economic gains, this also helped them get foot in crimes in other countries.
late modernity is a global risk society - our manufacturing is killing the world.
Two types of crime
Situ and Emmons - traditional criminology defines environmental crime as an unauthorised act or omission that violates law.
White- green criminology defines ti as any action that harms the physical environment and//or human and non human animals within it, even if no law has been broken.
South- two types of green crime
- Primary green crimes:
- air pollution
- deforestation
- species decline and animal abuse
- water pollution - secondary green crimes:
- state violence against oppositional groups, French blowing up green peace boat
- Hazardous waste and organised crime
McLaughlin- four categories for state crime
- Political crimes- censorship
- Crimes by security and police force- torture
- Econmic crimes- violate health and safety 4.Socail and cultural crimes- institutional racism
Rwanda Genocide
Tutsis - owned livestock Hutus did not, before Belgium came along they lived happily and were all friends. Belgians then gave them race cards and gave them different educations. they became an independent country- Hutus won gov, civil war broke out to cling on top power they used propaganda against the Tutsis, 800,000 of them were killed and normal Hutus joined in with it.
Kramer and Michalowski
State initiated crimes - are were the state approves corporate crime- Nasa a state agency cut corners and this lead to killing of seven astronauts in 1986.
State facilitated- when sates fail to regulate and control, making corporate crimes easy.. BP oil rig exploded and sank, government failed to see them cost cutting.
Kramer and Michalowski
illegal war- Was with Iraq- lied about them having weapons of mass destruction as they knew it was illegal.
Crimes committed during war or its aftermath- torture of poisoners in a Iraq, after ww2 Russian soldiers raped and killed german women.
was of defining state crime
Hillyard -Zemiology, Study of harm, wether or not they are against the law.
Labelling say it is if people perceive it as a crime.
Rothe and Mullins- if it violates international law.
Schwendinger- if it violates someones basic human rights.
authoritarian personality means we have a willingness to obey the orders of superiors without questions- e.g germans in ww2
Kelman and Hamilton- after American soldiers killed 400 civilians in Vietnam they found three features of crime obedience.
- Authorisation- acts are ordered or approved by those in authority, normal moral principles are replaced by the duty obey.
- Routinisation- once the crime has been committed, strong pressure to turn the act into routine that individuals can perform in a detached manner.
- Dehumanisation- enemy is shown as sub human, normal principles of morale don’t apply.
Bauman- key features of modern society allowed the Holocaust
- Division of labour- each person responsible for one small task, no one felt personally responsible.
- Bereaucratisation- normalised the killing by making it a repetitive, rule-governed job. Victims dehumanised as mere units.
- Instrumental rationality- rational efficient methods were used to achieve a goal.
- Science and technology- gas used to kill them and railways used.
Skyes and Matza- five neutralisation techniques used by the state
- Denial of victim- they are terrorists
- Denial of injury- we are the victim not them
- Denial of responsibility- only obeying order
- Condeming the condemners-
- Appeal to the higher loyalty- defence of the free world.