Globalisation case studies Flashcards
WTO case study
- Aims to lower trade barriers and promote free trade and court for disputes between countries over trade
- Donald Trump wants and likes tariffs
- EU countries able to trade with no tariffs- have poorer countries buy EU made products
- Mainly supports bigger companies- harm poorer countries
- New trade rules in Nigeria January 2005 to provide trade market for poor countries- loss of 250,000 jobs over last few years and lots of competition they can’t compete in
IMF case study
- Promotes financial stability and monetary, particularly during financial crisis- these come with conditions attached
- 2010 loans given to Greece and made them privatise key industries – water, electricity etc
- Given out $200bn in funds since financial crisis
World Bank: - Loans money mainly to developing countries to become developed- USA very dominant
- Criticized for conditions they pose on countries they give loans to
- Gave debt relief to Tanzania because they made Water private to improve it under world bank terms- since quality of water and sewage services have declined
EU case study
- World’s largest trade bloc- covers 28 countries and 16% of worlds imports and exports
- Imposes taxes on goods from outside EU
- Criticised for harming poorer farmers- can’t compete with EU farmers
- EU agree with trades around the world- Japan- no tariffs exporting agriculture produced
- Some have common currency
ASEAN case study
- Trade bloc on 10 countries- low/no tariffs in most places
- No free movement yet- skilled labourers can
- Several free trade agreements with other countries
China’s open door policy (1978) case study
- SEZ’s - tax incentive and lower tariffs
- Shenzhen first SEZ in 1980- 91% of all FDI from only Hong Kong- Eventually reduced income tax to 15% (opposed to 33% in the rest of China) and exemptions from local taxes (Tax breaks) and duty-free imports- big incentive -$4.3 billion 14% of China’s FDI
- Exemptions/ lower taxes is how they encouraged FDI
- These SEZ’s helped to increase proper regulations as there was more FDI
- Hard to invest in China lots of Rules and Regulations
- Subsidy is form of financial aid or support to an economic sector to promote economic and social policy
- China subsidies manicuring of steel- steel manufacturers to sell at a lower price than other countries
- Resulted in increase of Chinese imported steel to EU from 3m tonnes 2013 to 7m tonnes this year
- Lots of upset within UK and EU- one factor for steel plant in port talbot to close earlier this year- sales were down because of cheaper steel coming from China
- 30 million jobs created
- catalyst for more ‘efficient’ FDI
- Accounts for 22% of GDP
- Accounts for 60% of exports
- 30% increase in farmers income
- SEZs contributed significantly to China’s development and levels of economic globalization
- 14 SEZs made with one open on coastal city of shenzhen