Globalisation Flashcards
Define transnational corporations
Businesses whose operations are spread across the world, operating in many nations as both makers and sellers of goods and services. Many of the largest are instantly recognisable “global brands” that bring cultural change to the places where products are consumed.
Define remittances
Money that migrants send home to their families via formal or informal channels
Define spatial division of labour
the common practice among TNCS of moving low skilled work abroad (or offshore) to places where labour costs are low. Important skilled management jobs are retained at the TNCS headquarters its origin country.
What are large intermodal containers
Large capacity storage units which can be transported long distances using multiple types of transport, such as shipping and rail, without the freight being taken out of the container
Define sovereign wealth funds
Government owned investment funds and banks, typically associated with China and countries with large oil revenues such as Qatar
Define Special Economic Zones
An industrial area often near a coastline where favorable conditions are created to attract foreign TNC’s. These conditions include low taxes and exemption from tariffs and export duties.
Define Offshoring
TNC’s move parts of their own production process to other countries to reduce the cost of labour
Define Outsourcing
TNC’s contract another company to produce the goods and services they need rather than do it themselves. This can result in the growth of complex supply chains.
Describe deindustrialisation
The decline of regionally important manufacturing industries. The decline can be charted either in terms of workforce numbers or output and production measures.
Name 5 flows of globalisation
Capital Commodities Information tourists Migrants
Name 4 significant dates for transport innovation
1492 Columbus arrived in America
1800’s Trans Siberian Railway (9000km)
1960’s Container shipping (90% of exports)
2013 Tesla’s hyperloop San Fran to L.A in 30 minutes
Name 4 communications innovations
1800’s= trans atlantic boats
1970’s= GPS & satelitte’s
1980’s onwards= broadband internet
2000’s social networks like FB have over 1 billion users
Name 2 facts about Easy Jet
1995=30000 passengers annually, only in UK
2014=65000000 passengers annually, 30 countries
Describe 4 facts about mobile phones
2005 6% of Africans had mobiles
2015 70% of Africans had mobles
Saudi Arabia has nearly 2 phones per person
UK has 130 mobiles per 100 people
Name 4 threats of globalisation
TNC’s exploit cheap labour and undermine soverign work force, e.g India, Redcar tata steel
Cultural threat, e.g. the americanisation of India
Interdependent economies, e.g. 2008 financial crisis
Young and old migrants strain social services
Threat to government ideologies, e.g. China’s communism
Name the three main financial IGO’S
World Bank
What does the IMF do?
Gives loans dependent on free market policies
Name the pro’s and on’s of the IMF
+: encourages connections and liberalisation
-:strict, cuts health and education funding
What does the World Bank do?
Gives loans, grants and support to developing countries
Name the pro’s and con’s of the World Bank
+:gives grants which means less debt
-: All it’s presidents have been american
What does the IMF do?
It supports liberalisation and the trade of manufactured goods
Name pro’s and con’s of the IMF
+: encourages policies, no debt. It is swiss based and relatively neutral
-: Little incentive to follow the advice, eg. the US &UK use subsidies (protectionist)
Evaluate a World Bank project
Akosombo Dam in Ghana
+: HEP, Helped aluminium industry, jobs created
-: Caused a flood which displaced 80000, damaged the environment
Evaluate an IMF project
Greece Bail out \+IMF has dissaproved of the EU harsh loan terms \+Debt Relief -Greater auterity -€240 billion in total costs
Name 4 liberalist policies
Free market
Trade Blocks
Name 5 facts about ASEAN
10 countries 600 million people No nuclear weapons No formal military, diplomacy instead Plans to be single market (£1.5 trillion in worth) Eased travel
Name 5 facts about the EU
28 countires 500 million people France and UK have nuclear power Formal military: 60000 shared soldiers Worth £350 billion
Describe the consequences of China’s 1978 globalisation
300 miliion rural to urban migration 200 cities with populations of over 1 million residents SEZ's (4 in 1980, nearly 20 now) 400 million have escaped poverty Sez's have increased GDP by 10%
Name 4 measures of globalisation
KOF annual Index of Globalsiation
Kearney World Cities
IMF report on AREAER
Number of airports in a country
What is the KOF annual index of globalisation
It reflects the extent of economic, social and political globalisation for 3/4 of countries
WHAT is the Kearney World cities
an examination of a cites human capital, political engagement, business activity and culture
Name 4 examples of glocalisation
Domino’s pizza only does veggie food in India’s Hindu neighbor hoods
No sexualised videos on middle east MTV
UK made car’s are changed for US driving
Describe 5 ways in which the DRC is switched off to globalisation
1/3 roads are unpaved Bad railways Mainly land locked War since 1994 2/3 children cannot reads 70% in poverty Corrupt government
Describe 3 ways in which globalisation has changed the world
Poverty reduction: 1 billion have escaped poverty since 1990
Education: 1850 20% of the world were literate, in 2015, 85% of the world were literate
Environment: the world has lost 1/2 of its natural forests
Name 5 reasons why India is attractive for outsourcing
2nd largest English speaking work force 2.5 million technical professionals 35000 engineers trained annually Largest global economy Good infrastructure 2009 US$60 billion made in India from outsourcing
Name 4 statistics on UK migration
2014, 14 million refugees
2013 250 million from UK population residing in foreign country
UK net migration =244000 per year
UK in 2017 15000 granted asylum
Name 4 reasons for rural to urban migration
More employment in city, more unskilled labour e.g. call centres
More communication, more appeal of cities
Better health care and education
Mechanisation pushing out labourers
Poverty in rural areas population growth subtinance farmers paid out by TNC’s
Resource scarcity in rural areas
Using Redcar as an CS, explain the cons of outsourcing
Deindustrialisation damaged the environment costing £1 billion
£70 million out of local economy
1700 jobless
Over 100 continued to live on job seekers allowance 4 months after the shut down
Name 4 facts about Mumbai as a megacity
4 th largest world city 20 million people Successful recycling, nuclear and bollywood industries 4.5m2 per person Slums increased by 60% Flats cost over $1million
Name 4 facts about Shanghai as a mega city
Over 15% unemployed
By 2020 number of cars to quadruple
13000 killed per year by air pollution annually
English and Chinese are the official languages
24 million popluation
Name the pro’s and con’s of Russian Migration to the UK
+£60 million on education
+£1.5 million invested in Britain annually
-1/10 homes that cost over $1.5 million were Russian owned
-60% of commercial london court caes were linked to Russia
-Seasonal empty houses
Name the pro’s and con’s of Indian migration to the UAE
-Indian migrants made to work for 21 hours a day
-Kafala system means migrants are treated like slaves by employers
+US$12.5 billion in remittances
-Twice as many Indian born as UAE born (loss of sovereignty)
-Adds $6o billion in trade
Name 4 facts about cultural erosion in Papua New Guinea.
1/2 of forests will be eroded by 2021 More indigenized forms of Christianity 82% urbanised English used in schools and businesses Less women accept bride dowries Australia is giving $558.3 million to enhance human develpment
Describe 5 ways in which Singapore is switched on to globalistaion
193km coastline
9 airports
Nearly 100% of over 25’s have at least a secondary education
Least corrupt country in Asia
One of the cleanest countries inthe world
Industry is 85% services
$85000 gdp per capita
Describe issues of China’s development
over 3 million hectares of heavily polluted land
100 cities suffer water shortages
70%of lakes polluted
360 million Chinese don’t have access to clean water
4400 people die from pollution daily
20% on $2 a day
Describe benefits of China’s development
150 cities
Receives the most FDI in the world
300 million (the size of US population) are middle class
99.9% primary school enrollment
8 million university graduates annually
Between 1981 and 2010, 680 million less in poverty
Describe using facts how global poverty has increased
1 billion live on less than $1.25 per day
The richest 1% have doubled their share of global wealth in the last 10 years
1 billion children in poverty
Over 2500 die from inadequate hygiene per day
Describe the rise of the far right in Italy
600,000+ migrants from Libya reached Italy since 2013,
In 2016, some 18 million people were at risk of poverty, Unemployment is currently at 11%.
In the 2018 election 70% of votes went to far right parties
The new government has protectionist policies such as finding an alternative to the euro
Name 4 concerns of cultural diffusion
Migrants increasing birth rates puts a strain on primary school capacity’s
Racist hate crime e.g.the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993
2015, Charlie Hebdo staff were murdered because gunmen felt the magazine had mocked Islam
In London, there is growing hatred towards Russian migrants who are ““gentrifying” the city
What is localism?
Prioritisin local over regional and global. Generally through supporting local produce, culture, history and governance.
Name 4 ways in which globalisation threatens the environment
Energy: 50%increase in global energy use by 2035 without innovation. Food: demand will double by 2050, especially meat and dairy Water: Increased food production will deplete water supply. Rise of middle class puts strain on water Climate: Global temperature rise of 2 degrees
Name 4 projects/strategies that aim to reduce the social and environmental impacts of globalisation
Fair trade
Keep Britain Tidy
Ethical Shopping
Name pro’s and con’s of fair trade
+ changes lives for the better, eradicates poverty
- difficult to ensure that money is distributed correctly, not compulsory for consumers to use fair trade
Name the pro’s and con’s of ethical shopping
+ Primark and Tesco’s signed the Accord on Factory Safety after pressure from the Rana Plaza disaster and NGO’s
-Puts some farmers out of business, organic products in fact destroy forests
Name the pro’s and con’s of NGO pressure groups
+Reduces carbon foot print, less fuel based transportation
-expensive, limits imports (seasonality)
Explain the Lorenz curve
It measures inequality within a country graphically, a higher score shows unequal income distribution. A score of 1 shows equality
Explain what the Gini coefficient is
Measures the inequality of wealth distribution. It measures the area between the Lorenz curve and a line of equality. It’s described as a percentage.