global religions Flashcards
The oldest living world religion
Hinduism has no ______, meaning it is very flexible and dynamic. It historically has been very good at receiving new ideas.
In India, when hinduism came along, they considered it just another incarnation of _____.
Hinduism is practiced by ______ million people, and can be found in any area of the world.
800 million +
_______ (ancient) Hinduism emerged between the 11th and 9th centuries BC
The _______ was texts created in the 14th century BC (rig veda) through the 4th century BC (Upanishads)
Readings come from the Vedic Sastras on ______.
The translation of dharma is ____.
_______ can be different depending on who you are. For a male head of household, theirs will be different that of a king or shoemaker or woman.
______ depends on law.
Some think that Hinduism is _______ in its original for, however most Hindus of today are considered ______.
Some think Hinduism is monotheistic in its original form, however most Hindus of today are considered polytheistic.
Who are the 3 major Hindu gods?
The creator. Underlying force. Who we go back to after we die. Do not really pray to him. Is not active in lives.
The left hand of brahma. Destroyer. Brings sadness and destruction.
_____ makes himself into a dwarf, asks demon king for land. Demon king says he can have what he can cross in 3 steps. But he crosses the entire universe in 3 steps! Right hand of brahma. Associated with happiness, good things in life, music. Preserver.
_____ = The force
The self has 2 parts. They are:
The ego self
The _____ is who we really are on the inside. Our soul. Not conditioned by physical reality. Will still be there after death of our physical body
The _______ is a physical reality – pain, aging, suffering. Physical reality for hindus are not really real. It is an illusion.. a test
ego self
There are 3 metaphysical doctrines based on maya, they are:
- Samsara (reincarnation)
- Karma
- Moksha (release, freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.)
The four asramas (stages of life) are
- student
- householder
- hermit
- ascetic
Hinduism is based on the _____ (caste) system.
What are the levels of the Varna (caste) system?
- brahmans - priests, teachers
- kshatriyas- administrators, warriors, kings, leaders
- vaishyas - peasants, farmers
- shudras - do tasks that are associated with impurity. Like garbage collectors, deal with dead bodies
- -the untouchables - people who have no cast. They do not live within or contact other society members
People get the caste of _______.
their parents
What are some rules of the cast?
- you have to marry within your caste
- eat with people in same caste
- job in same cast, ect
The ___________ is a Vadic text that talks about the concept of dharma and that it is key to each person’s duty. Each person has a role to play.
Also beginning in India, _______ is about suffering and the human experience. It has a lot to do with Hinduism, but is much later in history.
______ has to do with human suffering and how to alleviate that.
Buddhas original name was _______.
Buddha is tempted _____ times.
The ________ offers to give everything back to buddha if he gives up. He turns her down, and then reaches enlightenment when she goes away.
goddess of darkness
The ___________ states that if we want to achieve a good life, we need to avoid extremes. Buddhists had problems with Hinduism bc many of the brahmas were very greedy, very materialistic. Pursue a middle path..
Sermon of the middle way
The _______ gives the specific path of the right way to live to reach enlightenment
sermon of the Eight-fold path
What are the 8 paths?
- Be genuinely kind to all living beings – there is a spark of the divine (god) in everyone. They are typically vegetarians for this reason.
- Be pure of heart
- Always speak the truth
- Be charitable
- Do not persistently criticize others
- Curb desire
- Do not hate
- Ahimsa—practice nonviolence
What are the 4 noble truths?
1) The truth of suffering (dukkha) - human existence means pain and suffering
2) The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya) - desire
3) The truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha) - An inescapable circle of life after life of suffering
4) The truth of the path that frees us from suffering (magga) -Reaching nirvana is the end. we can acheive this by ending desire which can be done by following the 8 fold path
Sermon that taught the 4 noble truths:
Sermon at Benares
The focus of Buddhas teachings is the concept of ____ and the ways to end suffering and curb extremes.
The more conservative of the two major traditions of Buddhism. , “Lesser Vehicle” – not theistic. About meditation, and interior religious life.
⁄ 3rd-2nd c. BC
⁄ Southeast Asia
one of the two major traditions of Buddhism, , “Greater Vehicle” – much more theistic. Buddha is the god they worship.
⁄ AD 2nd c.
⁄ China, Japan, Korea, Tibet
What is a Bodhisattvas ?
a soul that has reached the threshold of nirvana. Decides to return to help those suffering.
♦ Greatest Chinese philosopher, Kong Fu-tzu
Lived 551-479 B.C., during a time of political turmoil and social disorder – there were multiple trying to get on throne, armies moving through country. Not a time of safety or security.
After trying to get a political position, confusious finally gets a job as a _______ at the age of 50.
sage (teacher)
_____ is the book we read in class about the notes between confusious and one of his students.
The analects
Confusious believed that some people should _______ and others should be _______. Accept it.
some ppl should be in power, other subjective. Accept it.
Confucious’ goal was to create orderly society, save ________
________ of the individual improves society as a whole
like Hinduism and Buddhism, Confucionism was deeply communal, focused on the improvement of the group. It is Most interested in the ________group
♦ Compiled after Confucius’ death
♦ Lecture/discussion notes taken by his students
♦ No clear organization
♦ Classic Confucian text; required reading for Chinese school children until about 200 years ago
The Analects
Shen fu studied ______ when he was trying to get his job.
What were the major teachings of Confucious?
♦ Hierarchy as key to good government – everyone is not the same. Authority and subjective. No social order if not. Chaos.
♦ Filial piety: do duty of your role in family and society – very traditional ideas about gender.
♦ 4 cardinal bonds or “right relationships” – the superior person cares for the inferior. The inferior respects the superior. If this is done, there will be order.
What are the 4 cardinal bonds?
⁄ 1. Ruler to subject
⁄ 2. Father to son
⁄ 3. Husband to wife
⁄ 4. Older brother to younger brother
What is the story of Confusious?
There is a young man who is poor but devoted to his parents. They become ill, dr comes, says they will only live if they are able to drink milk of deer. He cant afford this, bc its rare and expensive. He kills a deer, skins it, wears it, and tricks other deers. He gets to where he is able to milk them. The hunters see him. He gives his parents milk and they live.
Confucian rituals important to proper living. What is the ritual about the death of a father for a son?
When father dies, observe son. Son will sit by grave, sweep it, meditate, remain in morning in hut, not eating, no sex, ect for 3 years. If he does this for 3 years he is worthy of becoming filial.
What was the confucious idea off education?
improve society as a whole, not individual
Confucioius believed that social advantage should be based on _____, not _____.
merit not birth
The ______________ was Adopted by China 2nd c. BC, then spreads to rest of East Asia > common culture
Confucian Civil Service Exam system
How is confuciounism successful?
♦ Ppl are respectful, much lower crime rates, ppl don’t want to bring shame on family, they do not put elderly or disabled in homes bc families take care of each other.
comes 1000 years after confusionism and buddism. Christianity becomes inbetween.
♦ “submission” to Allah
♦ Relationship to Judaism and Christianity
♦ Abraham and Ishmael
Views of Jesus
What is the story of the prophet Muhammad?
When mohammed says they should only worship the one true god, the tribe doesn’t like him. He has a lot of concerns about the state of his soul. Did not feel fulfilled by his religion. He went to cave to pray and meditate. One day he has vision. Angel Gabriel comes with message from god. Message: there is only one God. He goes back many times and gets many more revelations from Gabriel. These revelations become the ko’ran. (recitation) he would recite them to his followers and his followers wrote them down (he did not write it himself).
In the Islamic religion, Ismael is the keeper of the convenant, not ______ as is in Christianity
a tribe called the Quaraysh tribe. Controls the ______, a black structure believed to b built by Ismael and Isaac. Ppl would come there and worship idols. The tribe makes a lot of money off of it. They sale images.
Ka’ba (the cube)
The Quran has ____ suras
♦ Handbook for life for Muslims, those who submit to the One God
- Centered around the mosque
- Wall pointed towards Mecca
- Minaret (
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
1) There is no god but Allah
2) Salat
3) giving of alms
4) Fast during Ramadan
5) Hajj
6) [jihad]
True or False? Women in Islam ♦ Status of women raised ⁄ No infanticide ⁄ Equal treatment of wives ⁄ Prayer with men