Global Perspective on SDoH Flashcards
Global Comparisons
- Population level on health indicators helps us see how global health inequalities persist
- These inequalities are associated with a country’s economic status (income, wealth); distribution (inequality); social development; and political context
- Provides us with a ‘big picture’ – inequalities exist within countries
- Allows for comparison, correlation and further analysis
Global Contexts
- Taking a global perspective also means examining how social determinants are shaped by economic, social and political factors on a global scale
- What factors produce differences in countries’ economic status; inequality levels; social development; political context?
- How do international relations, policies, and norms (historical and contemporary) shape contemporary national contexts?
Paul Farmer’s Work in Haiti
- physician and anthropologist
- Has worked in numerous countries and communities including Haiti and Rwanda
- Has worked to establish community health models to treat disease
- Addresses the role of poverty and inequality in producing health inequalities and ‘extreme suffering’
- Uses the stories of Acéphie and Chouchou as exemplary – demonstrate the ‘pathways’ by which social determinants affect health in Haiti
Context in Haiti
•Poorest country in the Americas, with worst health indicators (highest infant mortality and maternal mortality rates; highest malnutrition rates; and highest number of persons living with HIV/AIDS)
•Over 6 million people (59% of the population) live below the poverty line of US $2.41 a day
•Over 2.5 million (24%) fall below the national extreme poverty line (US $1.23 per day)
•One of the most unequal countries in the world
•Life expectancy at birth (m/f) is 61/66 years
•Infant mortality rates of 80.3 per 1000 live birth in 2000
-Attributed to increased poverty, impact of AIDs, and poor health systems
Acephie-> Family Poverty
- Lost land, property and income generating activities due to flooding of the valley where they lived
- Sexual relationship as a survival strategy
Acephie-> Working Conditions
- Rural isolation and limited opportunities
* Walk by soldiers – in a position of power – sexual harassment
Acephie-> Gender Expectations
- Limited ability to say ‘no’ due to power differential
- Poverty and limited opportunities make sexual relationships a survival strategy
- Multiple sexual partners means higher risk of spreading infection
- Lack of accountability from new partner once ill
- What supports did Acéphie have once her child was born?
Acephie-> Political Context
•Political violence kept clinic from being open; limited access to healthcare during pregnancy
Chouchou-> Political Disenfranchisement
- Lack of political power of those in rural areas
- Violent regime → even veiled criticism punished by violence
- Lack of political accountability, including through media
Chouchou-> Gender Relations
•Men more commonly targeted for political violence and torture
Chouchou-> Poverty & Economic Opportunity
- After initial arrest, blacklisted
* Property seized
Global Suffering Stats
- AIDS and political violence are two of the leading causes of death among young adults in Haiti
- They are the consequences, directly or indirectly, of human agency
- Suffering is ‘structured’ by historical and economic processes that constrain agency
- We are often less empathetic to suffering of those we see as ‘other’ or ‘different’
- The sheer weight of suffering makes it difficult to represent and to understand
- Dynamics and distribution are still poorly understood
Geographically Broad
- The world is increasingly interconnected; countries do not exist in a vacuum
- Countries that are dependent on international aid can be influenced by the interests of the more powerful (e.g. Washington’s support for the Péligre dam; for military rule)
Historically Deep
- History of the Péligre dam and displacement
- Go further…history of colonialism and slave trade that led to economic vulnerability and lack of international power
- No one factor can fully explain health outcomes
- Must look at various axes simultaneously
- Theory developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw in relation to Black women’s experiences of violence
- The way in which our identities/social positionings intersect to create unique experiences of both privilege and oppression
- Intersectionality is not additive!
Examples of Intersectionality for Acephie
- gender norms made sexual relationship a socially acceptable survival strategy; this strategy was made necessary by poverty
- a truly intersectional approach does not attempt to hierarchize, but to analyze each aspect in relation to each other
- While we may attempt to ‘triage’ social determinants, it is important not to use hierarchy to dismiss forms of oppression
The effect of SDoH on Gay Men
rich gay men were also negatively affected by the lack of research and health services provided during the early years of the AIDS crisis in the United States
Axes of Gender
- Helps explain why Acephie died of AIDS and Chouchou died from torture
- Gender systems in which women have less power →increased vulnerability to domestic and sexual violence,
e. g. Poor women, women of colour most vulnerable
Axes of “Race” or “Ethnicity”
- Racism used to deprive groups of rights and justify inequality and suffering
- Often used by colonial powers to divide and conquer e.g. Rwanda
- Although linked to resources, also related to social disenfranchisement and chronic stress
Other Axes
Homophobia and sexuality
-Geographic location
History of the Péligre Dam
- Displacement of landowners
- Negative overall effect on agricultural production
- Produces rural poverty and makes vulnerable those who had previously been able to sustain themselves
- Supported by Washington: alignment with dominant ideologies of ‘development’
Political Dictatorships
•François “Papa Doc” Duvalier from 1957-1971
•Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier from 1971- 1986
-Agreement with Reagan administration not to accept refugees from Haiti
-Corruption, stole money, extreme violence
•Coup d’etat ends first democratically elected
government and brings military rule 1991
-Supported by foreign aid from the US
-Continued regime of violence