Global Mindset Competency Flashcards
global mindset
the ability to take an international, multidimensional perspective that is inclusive of other cultures, perspectives, and views
global rule
treat those from other cultures as they would like to be treated
to develop a global mindset
appropriate knowledge, skills, and understanding
desire and motivation on the part of the employee to change
support from systems and management
developing and promoting a global mindset
study and understand your own culture and how it relates to others
study and understand global business trends and forces
promote a global mindset within your organization
4 power tools to create a global mindset and enhance the multicultural awareness of leaders and senior managers:
travel, teams, training, transfers
strategic perspective
HR must be able to balance the priorities of headquarters and subsidiaries
tactical perspective
the group must develop programs that can deliver measurable success and work in different cultural and sociopolitical contexts
practical perspective
must consider certain day-to-day aspects of managing a workforce across borders and continents
key global HR skills
develop the strategic view of the organization
develop the global organizational culture
secure and grow a safe and robust talent supply chain
use and adapt HR technology
develop meaningful metrics
develop policies and practices to manage risks
a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perspectives on how the world work
cultural models
describe groups who share a specific set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and perspectives
group can refer to nations or geographical regions
layers of culture
artifacts and products (outer layers, obvious features)
norms and values (middle, the culture’s shared and stated sense of acceptable behaviors)
basic assumptions (inner circle, the culture’s core beliefs about the world is and ought to be)
culture vs climate
climate is distinct from culture
culture is the result of shared beliefs; climate may result from the actions of a few individuals or external forces
mistaking the climate and culture can result in organizations undertaking entire cultural changes to correct a disorder that does not exist
cultural intelligence
the capacity to recognize, interpret, and behaviorally adapt to multicultural situations and contexts
3 aspects of cultural intelligence
edward t. hall
high- and low- context cultures
context levels affects communications and relationships
high-context cultures - a statement’s meaning includes the verbal message and the non verbals and social and historic content attached to the statement - long standing, complex relationships
low-context cultures - a statement’s meaning is encoded in its work only - relationships have less history
geert hofstede - 6 dimensions of culture
power distance (patter of distribution of power)
individualism/collectivism (degree to which individuals perceive themselves as members of a group)
uncertainty avoidance (level of tolerance of ambiguous, new, of changed situations)
masculine/feminine (degree to which a culture follows traditional gender characterizations)
long-term/short-term (long-term cultures focus on traditions and tend to resist change; short-term cultures are pragmatic and see the positive potential of change)
indulgence/restraint (gratification of individual desires)
trompenaars and hampden-turner
7 cultural dilemmas
universal/particular (rules vs flexibility)
individual/communitarian (the good that drives decisions)
neutral/affective (expression of emotion)
specific/diffuse (public and private boundaries)
achieve/ascribed (source of merit)
sequential/synchronic (sense of time)
internal/external (individual control over one’s destiny)
our way is the best way and we are not interested in other ways
there is only one way to solve a problem or reach a goal
4 obstacles that HR may face in understanding multicultural organizations
ethnocentrism and parochialism
cultural stereotypes
cultural determinism
cultural relativism
dilemma reconcilation
legal systems
civil law
common law (based on legal precedent)
religious law
rule of law
no individual is beyond the reach of the law