Global Governance (with Antarctica) Flashcards
What are four ways TNCs form links between countries?
- MErgers
- Acquisitions
- Offshoring/outsourcing
- Global supply chains
What is Global governance?
Rules, norms and laws that make and remake global systems, deal with issues that cannot be solved by any one state
What are some examples of international organisations involved in global governance?
- WB
- World Health Organisation
- UN
What is a Global Common?
Resources with no national governance/outside domain of one state but used jointly/shared by all people. Brings economic benefits to all and is a common heritage of mankind
What are the four Global Commons?
- High Seas
- Antarctica
- Atmosphere
- Outer Space
Common Heritage of Mankind
belong to all humanity and the resources are available for everyone’s use and benefit
Tragedy of the Commons
Common access to resources inevitable results in resources being over-exploited as individuals put their needs and desire not to lose out over collective need
What is an NGO?
Non-Governmental Organisation
What is an Advocacy NGO?
Campaign to raise awareness
What is an operational NGO?
Frontline support services for those in need
What is an International Treaty that protects the High Seas?
UN Convention on the Law of the Seas
What is an International Treaty that protects Outer Space?
Moon Treaty
What is an International Treaty that protects Antarctica?
Antarctic Treaty System and Protocol on Environmental Protection
What is an International Treaty that protects the Atmosphere?
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Why is globalisation a threat to the High Seas?
- Increased international trade/increased potential markets > overfishing/pollution
- Development/transfer of transport technology > inaccessible areas become accessible > overfishing/mining
- Increase in industry > discharge of chemical waste/acidification of ocean
What is the Antarctic Convergence Zone?
Warmer sub-Antarctic and colder Antarctic water’s meet > upwelling of warm water returns nutrients to the surface > increased photosynthesis > high primary productivity
What is the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
Surface current with flows eastward around Antarctica and blocks warmer water travelling South
What is Isostatic Depression?
Sinking of crust into the asthenosphere due to heavy weight of glacial ice
Why is the Antarctic Convergence Zone important for the ecosystem?
It creates a zone of high primary productivity by returning unusable nutrients to the surface
What is the Precipitation like in Antarctica?
Low > less than 50mm per year
What are the Katabatic Winds like in Antarctica?
Strong downhill flowing winds (highlands radiate heat and cool > more dense)
What is the Temperature like in Antarctica?
Low (average -49 C)
Why does tourism pose a threat to Antarctica?
- Pollution > oil spills, Mount Erebus Air Crash
- Expensive
- Evidence that breeding sites of birds near Antarctic bases are disturbed
- Potential sources of damage > waste
Why would tourism be one of the best ways to protect Antarctica?
Raises awareness of need for conservation (Scott Polar Research Institute)
Why does climate change pose a threat to Antarctica?
- Western sea ice shrinking
- Changing sea ice conditions > changes distribution of penguin colonies > adelie/emperor down and chinstrap up
- Less sea ice leading to less under shelf algae > declining krill numbers (down 80% since 70s)
- Ocean acidification > damage to plankton/marine snails > impact on food web
- Global rising sea levels (up 3mm since 1990)
Why does fishing & whaling pose a threat to Antarctica?
- Whale decrease (275,000 before 20th century > 2000 by 1964)
- Whaling has slowed due to IWC/IWM but still continues
- Long line fishing > species such as Patagonian endangered
- Depletion of krill
Why might Antarctica be more at risk from future search for minerals?
- Increasing population/development > increased demand
- Technological advances
- Melting sea ice increasing accessibility > making mining more economically viable
What is the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling?
Complete protection of certain whale species. Designated areas as whale sanctuaries in Southern Ocean. Limits on numbers and sizes of whales.
What is the International Whaling Moratorium?
Ban on commercial whaling
Strengths of International Whaling Moratorium
- Decreased levels of whaling
- Allows whale stocks to recover/preventing extinction
- Increased social and political costs of whaling
Weaknesses of International Whaling Moratorium
- Agreements require a majority vote
- Voluntary > can exempt yourself by lodging a complain e.g. Russia objected and Norway/Iceland continued to whale
- Aboriginal hunting continues in USA
- No monitoring of whale numbers so its difficult to truly estimate impact
What is the Antarctic Treaty System?
Should be used for peaceful purposes, should cooperate on/share scientific research and remain a global common
Strengths of the Antarctic Treaty System
- Set aside territorial claim
- Successful disarmament regime
Weaknesses of the Antarctic Treaty System
- Freezes territorial claims doesn’t negate them
- Consensus needed so its slow
- Growing superpowers ignore agreed regulations
What is the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition?
A group of 30 NGOs
Strengths of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- Campaigned to make Antarctic Treaty meetings more transparent
- Monitor environmental changes
- Raise awareness of environmental issues e.g. ‘Krill Gotten Gains’ Greenpeace
- No bias
- Essential to ensuring the success of international agreements
Weaknesses of the Antarctic and Southern OCean Coalition
- Cannot make a direct impact
- More difficult to gain international governments attention
What is the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty?
A nature reserve and ensures all activities must have an environmental impact assessment and bans mining
Strengths of Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
- Protects the global common from damage
- Prevents the tragedy of the commons
Weaknesses of Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
- BAn on mining prohibition in 2048 could be overturned (if 75% of parties agree)
- Environmental audits are mainly of bases onland and not those in maritime areas
What is the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities?
An agreement to manage the exploitation and the development of Antarctica’s non-renewable resources - did not pass.
What is the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators?
Self-regulates tourism in Antarctica e.g. guidelines, limits numbers of visitors taken ashore, encourage conservation talks, prohibits waste.
What is the United Nations Environment Programme?
UN agency governing the world’s environment, reports Antarctic activity to the UN
Strengths of the UN Environment Programme
- Discusses questions of Antarctica on a global scale
Weaknesses of the UN Environment Programme
- Relies on voluntary donations
- Part of the general assembly so lacks decision making/direct impact
- Relies on environment ministers who lack political clout
What are International Laws?
Legally bindings rules established through international agreements
What are International Norms?
Accepted standards of behaviour
What are International Institutions?
Political and legal organisations that pass laws/discuss issues/disputes on an international scale e.g. UN and WTO