Global English Flashcards
What is meant by global English?
World wide, used around the world but not necessarily the same as everywhere due to culture and history, there are regional variants in Britain so of course there will be global ones
How has America bastardised the English language?
Simplified it using ‘z’ instead of ‘s’ and remove the ‘u’ e.g. color instead of colour
How are Americanisms entering the lexicon?
Microsoft word set to American spelling, Netflix, American TV, Disney, social media
How is language always changing?
Not static because the world is moving faster than ever, social media is changing language all the time, influencers are trendsetters with language, everyone wants to be in the loop, controlling and moving with language
What are the most spoken world languages?
1) Mandarin 2) Spanish 3) English 4) Hindi
What is the language of international business?
English, but there are so many versions, beyond countable
What is the international language of space?
What are Kachru’s concentric circles determined by?
World leaders and the changing nature of them, came about due to the British Empire under Queen Victoria
What is the inner circle?
Speakers use English as a first language, include UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
What is the outer circle?
Colonised by the inner circle, use English as a second language, e.g. India
What is the expanding circle?
The newly developed countries, new world leaders such as China and Russia, use English as a lingua franca
How do grammar schools impact the level of English spoken around the world?
Richer, cleverer people fluent in English, the base knowledge of English is dependent on social class
What is meant by English as a first language?
The language you have spoken your whole life
What is English as a second/foreign language?
Dual speaker, on a massive scale
What is meant by English as a Lingua Franca? (ELF)
Two non native English speakers using English as a common language