gis raster analysis and queries Flashcards
map algebra
A language that defines a syntax for combining map themes by applying mathematical operations and analytical functions to create new map themes. In a map algebra expression, the operators are a combination of mathematical, logical, or Boolean operators (+, >, AND, tan, and so on), and spatial analysis functions (slope, shortest path, spline, and so on), and the operands are spatial data and numbers.
boolean overlay
evaluating rasters with Boolean operators to evaluate areas where combinations of specific conditions exsit
boolean raster
raster with cells that contain a 1 to indicate true or 0 to indicate false regarding a specified condition
euclidean distance
straight line distance between two points
to calculate values at locations between known measurements: to populate a raster with values extrapolated from a known set of point values
surface analysis
functions designed for application to rasters representing a three-dimensional surface, such as elevation
neighborhood functions
calculation of a value for a target cell or feature based on surrounding values from a defined region
block function
an analyis function that moves over a raster in adjacent, non overlapping neighborhoods.
focal function
raster analysis function that determin new values for a target cell based on values in a moving neighborhood around the target. The computation of an output raster where the output value at each cell location is a function of the value at that cell location and the values of the cells within a specified neighborhood around the cell.
a moving window applied to araster data layer that calculates new values for the center pixel based on some function of the values in the window. On a raster, an analysis boundary or processing window within which cell values affect calculations and outside which they do not. Filters are used mainly in cell-based analysis where the value of a center cell is changed to the mean, the sum, or some other function of all cell values inside the filter. A filter moves systematically across a raster until each cell has been processed. Filters can be of various shapes and sizes, but are most commonly three-cell by three-cell squares.
zonal statistics
raster analysis functions that calculate statistics from one raster for zones defined by a different raster. ] In ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, the calculation of a statistic for each zone of a zone dataset based on values from another dataset, a value raster. A single output value is computed for each cell in each zone defined by the input zone dataset.
to replace sets or ranges of values in a raster witj different sets or ranges
to change the resolution of a raster using a defined strategy to convert values from one cell grid to another
nearest neighbor
a resampling method for discrete data that grabs the closest value to a cell center
resampling method that interpolates a new cell value based on the four closest values
cubic convolution
resampling method that interpolates a new cell value from the 16 closest input cells
specific raster format native to GRID and Spatial Analyst; generic term for a raster data set
the combined area of a raster that share the same attribute value, such as all areas with the commercial land use code
special value used to designate that a data value is absent or unknown
measurement of compass direction in 360 with 0 = north
zenith angle
angular measure of the distance of an object above the horizon
spatial join
a function that combines the attributes of features in two layers based on containment or distance
summarized join
a join that combines the records of two attribute tables with a one-to-many cardinality by assigning each output record a single value derived statistically from the many input values
simple join
a join that combines two layers according to common locations when a one-to-one spatial relationship exists between the layers
logical consistency
a measure of well data features represent real world features, in particular with respect to topology