GI: The Rumen and Hindgut Fermenters II Flashcards
Explain the particular significance of salivary secretions in ruminants
150L of saliva a day. Provides fluid to the fermentation vat. Contains alkaline buffers critical to maintaining rumen pH. It also contains urea.
Describe the sequences of ruminal motility, including mixing, regurgitation and eructation
Should happen every 1-3 times every minute (higher if actively eating), movements is to mix, aid in eructation, propel fluid and fermented foodstuffs into the omasum. Esophagus comes in, contractions start in caudal part of reticulum, gas caps gets pushed back and then sloshes forward to have access to the esophagus two times in the cycle.
Ruminants ruminate, happens during rest, not eating. 30-50 L/hour of gas. Not releasing gas can cause bloat, frothy or free gas. Treatment includes a rumenotomy or trocharization.