GI system Flashcards
Bacteria in the large intestine create and absorb which of the following vitamins?
B and K
Which portion of the esophagus has a muscularis layer composed only of skeletal muscle?
upper/ proximal third
The smooth muscle of the internal anal sphincter and the rectum are under the control of the:
parasympathetic nervous system
Which organ of the GI tract has a muscularis layer composed of three layers of muscle instead of the usual two layers?
Which of the following aids absorption by increasing the surface area of the small intestine?
The physiologic term for eating is:
The pyloric sphincter is located at the junction of the:
stomach and duodenum
The beginning segment of the large intestine is called the?
Hydrochloric acid is secreted by which cells in the stomach?
parietal cells
The lobule of the liver is created by
the sinusoids, bile canaliculi, hepatocytes and blood vessels.
The movement of amino acids across the mucosa of the small intestine and into the blood is an example of
Which portion of the small intestine is in the retroperitoneal cavity?
The liver is supplied with arterial/oxygenated blood by?
hepatic artery
The function of the uvula is
to prevent swallowed food from entering the nasopharynx and the nasal cavity.
Secretion of bile from the gallbladder is promoted by which of the following hormones?
Control and modulation of the digestive process is a___________function.
parasympathetic NS
The movement of food forward by the contraction of the smooth muscle is known as which of the following?
Which two structures unite to form the ampulla of Vater (hepatopancreatic ampulla)?
common bile duct and pancreatic duct
Which of the following cells secretes pepsinogen in the stomach?
chief cells
The final steps of chemical digestion occur along the brush border for all organic molecules except:
Which of the following organs is considered an accessory structure of the gastrointestinal system?
The function of the gallbladder is:
store and concentrate bile
The pancreas is found:
tucked into the curve of the duodenum and behind the stomach
The largest salivary glands are located:
anterior to the ears, around the angle of the mandible
Fecal material usually contains which of the following?
Lacteals in the villi of the small intestine collect which of the following nutrient’s
Pancreatic digestive enzymes are initially secreted as inactive to
prevent auto-digestion of the pancreas.
Mixing of chyme (food and enzymes) in the small intestine is enhanced by organized contractions called:
The chemical breakdown of protein begins:
The end product of digestion in the stomach that is propelled into the small intestine is known as:
Chemical digestion of proteins starts in the stomach by which of the following chemicals?
hydrochloric acid and pepsin
Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
production of gastrin
Which of the following chemicals emulsifies lipids?
Which of the following is a function of saliva?
breakdown dietary carbohydrates and lipids
Chem digestion of carbs begins in the mouth via:
salavary amylase
Mechanical digestion of segmentation happens in the
Small intestine
Carb chem digestion continues in the small intestine VIA:
pancreatic amlase, brush border enzyme.
Carbs break down into:
monosaccharide that are absorbed into absorptive cells via facilitated diffusion and secondary active transport.
Lipids chemical digestion begins
in the stomach via gastric lipase secreted by chief cells
Ligual lipase is secreated in the ______ but does not activate until it reaches the _______ and aids in chemical digestion of______
Chemical digestion of lipids in the small intestine is created via
pancreatic lipase and bile released from the gallbladder and liver to emulsify lipids
Lipid absorption:
Small fat cells enter absorptive cells via simple diffusion then leave the same way and enter the blood stream.
Large fats enter cell via simple diffusion and are made into tryglycerides which are combined with a transport protein, this leaves the cell via simple diffsion and enters a lacteal.
In the large intestine________ digest left over________ and _______
Large intestines use ______for mechanical digestion
Most absorption is done in the
Small intestine
Protien chem digestion begins in the ________ via _________ secreted by __________
partietal cells
Pepsin is secreted by ______ in the stomach in an in active form ______ ,when it mixes with _______ it gets activated
Protien gets broken down in to amino acids in the small intestine via
pancreatic proteases, brush boarder enzymes
Nucleic acids chem digestion in the small intestine via
pancreatic nucleases, and brush boarder enzymes
Stomach uses mixing waves
as mechanical digestion
nucleic acids break down to