GI Development - Sev Flashcards
The lining of the digestive system and its related glands develop from endoderm. EXCEPT the precursors to the anus, mouth and anterior pituitary (Stomodeum + proctodeum). They are lined by ____________.
Pathology resulting from failure of esophagus to lengthen sufficiently?
Congenital hiatal hernia
Stomach is drawn up into the thorax
Blood supply of foregut, midgut, and hindgut?
Foregut: Celiac artery (except pharynx/esophagus)
Midgut: superior mesenteric
Hindgut: inferior mesenteric
Where in the adult gut is the transition between midgut and hindgut derived structures?
Division is the middle of the transverse colon.
Hematopoietic cell development occurs in this organ during fetal life?
sometimes reverts in adults too
Pancreas develops from endoderm. Ventral and dorsal pancreas fuse together. Which duct will usually become the definitive pancreatic duct after the two tissues merge?
The duct of the ventral pancreas becomes the definitive duct
What can be formed by the omphaloenteric duct (or yolk stalk) in the adult?
In an adult its called an ileal (meckel) diverticulum
What structure serves as the axis for counter-clockwise rotation of the the midgut 270 degrees?
Superior Mesenteric artery
Explain the basic difference between a congenital omphacele, umbilical hernia, and gastroschisis:
Omphacele: Intestinal loops fail to re-enter abdominal cavity in development. Loop is covered by amnion
Unbilical Hernia: Abdominal muscles fail to close umbilical ring. Protrusion covered by subcutaneous tissue and skin
Gastroschisis: Defect in abdominal wall. Contents protrude and there is no overlying sac involved.
Pathology behind Hirschsprungs Disease?
Failure of the neural crest cells to migrate appropriately. Parasympathetics in the wall of the colon are then missing
What is the embryological problem behind an imperforate anus?
Urogenital septum division issue