GI Flashcards
13 symptoms to ask?
Pain, weight loss, appetite, difficulty swallowing, dyspepsia, nausea/vomiting, abdominal distension, previous gallstones/pancreatitis, jaundice, altered bowel habit/diarrhoea/constipation, mucus/slime/blood PR, incontinence
SOCRATES peptic ulcer?
S - epigastric O - acute/gradual (remission for weeks/months) C - gnawing R - into back A - GI haemorrhage, peritonitis if perf T - 0.5 to 3 hours E - irregular meals (hunger), NSAID/asprin, smoking, alcohol A - food, antacids, vomiting S - mild to moderate
SOCRATES acute cholecystitis?
S - epigastric/right hypochondiacal O - constant, unpredictable freq/periodicity C - stabbing/piercing R - right scapula/tip of right shoulder A - vomiting, fevers, rigors T - 3-24 hours E - poss. food S - severe
SOCRATES acute pancreatitis?
S - epigastric O - sudden or gradual C - piercing, stabbing, burning R - into back, may develop generalised peritonitis A - nausea/vomiting, abd. distension, shock T - >24 hours E - eating A - sitting upright S - very severe
5 non-GI causes vomiting?
N/S (motion sickness, labyrinthine disorders, meningitis, intracranial tumour, migraine)
Severe pain (renal collic, MI)
Systemic (pregnancy, DKA, renal failure, hyperparathyroidism)
Drugs (central action/gastric irritation)
5 GI causes vomiting?
Gastric outlet obstruction, acute gastritis, acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis, hepatitis
7 vomit questions?
Frequency, time of day, quantity, colour, smell, taste, blood (fresh or ground coffee)
5 causes dysphagia?
Painful lesion mouth/throat, neuro (eg pseudobulbar palsy), MSK (eg myaesthenia gravis), obstruction in post-cricoid area (pharyngeal pouch/tumour/stricture), obstruction of lower oesophagus (tumour/achalasia or the cardia/stricture)
8 questions dysphagia?
Continuous/intermittent, solids/liquids, how long does it last, where does food stick, between meals?, acid reflux/dyspepsia, nocturnal coughing/dypnoea, oesophageal cancer RF (smoking, alcohol, obesity, diet low in fruit/veg)
6 questions jaundice?
Stools pale/urine dark, Hx gallstones, pain (Ca pancreas felt in back and worse on recumbency), itching, fevers/rigors, social history (alcohol, drugs, foreign travel, infusions/tattoos abroad), unprotected sex
8 altered bowel habit questions?
Diarrhoea/constipation/both, frequency, ass. discomfort/urgency, incontinence, appearance stool (formed/unformed, floating in pan, blood/slime/pus), ass. vomiting, foreign travel, medications (inc overcounter)
6 causes rectal bleeding?
Haemorrhoids, carcinoma colon/rectum, melena (may contain clots, patient poss in shock), IBD, diverticular disease, anal fissure (severe pain)
5 non-adipose causes abdominal distension ?
Subacute bowel obstruction, pregnancy, chronic constipation, ovarian cyst, ascites
4 closing GI Hx questions?
Previous GI problems/diagnoses/treatment, previous GI/abd surgery, gynae problems, hx jaundice/anaemia/diabetes
7 drugs with GI side-effects?
Iron tablets, opiates, NSAIDs, antibiotics, SSRI, anticoagulants