GI Flashcards
Oral cavity probs
oral cancer
causes: chronic disease, nutritional deficiences (albumin and vitamin c), allergic responses
CM: oral lesions, pain, weight loss
Interventions: antimicrobials, oral hygiene, analgesics, cool liquids
causes: long term antibiotic use
CM: painful white patches
Interventions: nastatin, analgesics, cool liquids, gentle mouth care
causes: long term irritation
cm: thickened raised white patches on mucous membranes
Interventions: biopsy, monitor it, excision (partial glossectomy)
Oral cancer
CM: oral lesion, lump in cheek, dysphagia, voice change, foul odor, weight loss
interventions: maintain patent airway, aspiration precautions, respiratory status, radiation, chemo, surgical excision
Esophageal probs
hiatal hernia
esophageal tumors
causes: weak esophageal sphincter
dx: endoscopy
cm: heartburn, throat clearing, esophageal ulcers, cough, nausea, difficulty swallowing bc throat is inflamed
complication: barretts esophagus
interventions: PPI, histamine blockers, bed blocks, dietary restrictions (avoid spicy food), smoking cessation
Hiatal hernia
Causes: Heredity, weak spot in diaphragm, trauma, diaphragmatic injuries
Dx: Ba swallow, endoscopy
Clinical Manifestations: heartburn, dysphagia, feel full with little food
Complications: GERD, esophagitis, erosion, bleeding
Interventions: lifestyle modifications (sitting up after eating, bed blocks), surgery, small meals
Histamine blockers, PPIs, antacids
Esophageal tumor
Causes: Smoking/alcohol, untreated GERD, malnutrition, genetics
Dx: Cat scans, endoscopy, X-ray, biopsies, MRI
Clinical Manifestations: difficulty swallowing, weight loss, malnutrition, odynophagia, hoarseness, halitosis (bad breath)
Complications: Aspiration, closed airway
Interventions: Shrink size of tumor with radiation and chemo, excision, photodynamic therapy- assess for chest pain frequently and NPO until gag reflex comes back
Causes: food poisoning, spicy foods, food intolerance
Dx: Clinical manifestations, labs would have elevated WBC, electrolytes are off
Clinical Manifestations: Diarrhea, N/V, dehydration, increased hr, abdominal pain,
Complications: dehydration
Interventions: fluids, antiemetic (zofran), antibiotics
Peptic ulcer disease
Causes: Stress, diet
Diagnostics: Endoscopy, Ba contrast, H. pylori (will have low hct and hgb and + for h pylori)
Clinical Manifestations: epigastric pain
Complications: Perforation, hemorrhage
Interventions: Diet, medication, cessation of smoking and alcohol, vagotomy, gastrectomy, sit up right for 60 mins after meals
Vagotomy - reduce the acidity of the stomach, by denervating the parietal cells that produce acid.
2 antibiotics + PPI
Gastric ulcer pain
High in epigastrium
1 to 2 hours after meals
Burning or gaseous
Normal to low secretion of gastric acid
Duodenal ulcer pain
Midepigastric region beneath xiphoid process
Back pain—if located in posterior aspect
2 to 4 hours after meals
Tendency to occur, then disappear, then occur again
Associated with increased HCl acid secretion
Gastric cancer
often times there aren’t any symptoms
Nonsurgical: chemo and radiation–> mostly surgical solution (gastrectomy), not much you can do non surgically
Want to prevent dumping syndrome after a gastrectomy
Dumping syndrome
Early: 30 mins after eating. Symptoms– abdominal discomfort, N/V, diarrhea, vertigo, dizziness, syncope, diaphoretic, palpitations, tachycardia
Late (1-3 hours after eating): hunger, fatigue, diaphoretic, dizziness, lightheadedness, tachycardia, can cause low blood sugar
Can cause distention bc lots of fluid goes directly into small intestine, antidiarrheal, limit high sugar, small frequent meals
Noninflammatory intestinal disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Colorectal Cancer Intestinal Obstruction Lower GI Bleeding Malabsorption