GI 4 Flashcards
Acute mesenteric ischemia Ssxs
Severe ab pain that doesn’t match with PE findings
(sudden= arterial, gradual =venous)
*suspect if >50 yrs with risk factors and sudden, severe pain.
Imaging: mesenteric angiography, ab CT
Acute mesenteric ischemia etiology
1) low CO: CHF or shock or drugs
2) occlusive diseases: thrombosis or embolism (CAD, atrial fibrillation, hypercoaguability, portal HTN)
Potential complications from ab surgery
Intestinal obstruction (birds beak, volvulus) Ileus (temporary arrest of peristalsis)
What can cause a true intestinal perforation/peritonitis/an emergency?
Duodenal ulcer, acute appendicitis, obstruction, toxic megacolon
Work up for gastroenteritis
If N/V, borborygmus, diarrhea, distended abdomen…do:
Hemoccult, fecal WBCs, O&P, culture, CBC, CMP
Viral gastroenteritis organisms
Rotavirus, norovirus, astrovirus, enteric adenovirus
Bacterial gastroenteritis organisms w exotoxins:
Can cause “true food poisoning”, rapid onset N/V/D
Staph aureus, bacillus cereus, clos perfringens, clos botulinum
Bacterial gastroenteritis w enterotoxins
Toxins impair absorption –> watery diarrhea
Vibrio (cholera and non cholera), Escherichia coli, Clos difficile
Clostridium difficile
Get post antis (nosocomial) or external source
Cytotoxin and enterotoxin –> pseudomembranous colitis
Sxs: watery diarrhea, cramping, (rare N/V)
**complication= TOXIC MEGACOLON.
Toxic megacolon Sxs
Fever, ab pain, tachycardia
PE: tender ab, absent bowel sounds, elevated WBCs
Chrons, ulcerative colitis, E. Histolytica, Yersinia
DDX watery diarrhea
Vibrio cholera, E. Coli, C. Difficile
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
Sxs: watery diarrhea that –> bloody
**complications: hemolytic uremic syndrome (hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute renal failure) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (HUS, fever, neurological deficits)
Skip lesions/cobblestones imaging: string sign Complication: obstruction, fistula, squamous cell carcinoma Pain: steady, esp RLQ Mass: yes, RLQ Transmural, non contiguous
Ulcerative colitis
Rectum and or colon Continuous area Pain: cramping, transient, relieved w BM Stool: blood Imaging: lead pipe Involves mucosa only Complication: TOXIC MEGACOLON, adenocarcinoma
Organisms: strep, bacteriodes, Escherichia, lactobacillus, clostridium, klebsiella
Hx: improvement post antibiotic, worsening w probiotics, worsening w fiber
Work up: glucose breath hydrogen analysis, methane breath test
Sxs: LLQ pain (most commonly in sigmoid), rectal bleeding/wine colored stool, diarrhea w constipation
**Complication: if perforation/fistula: UTI, feculent vaginal discharge, generalized abdominal pain, low back pain
Diverticulitis DDX
Hemorrhoid, anal fissures, UTI, nephrolithiasis, obstruction, colon cancer, IBD
Celiac…malabsorption syndrome
Auto immune. Envl trigger: gluten; autoantigen: tissue transglutaminase
Celiac Ssxs
Diarrhea, steatorrhea, bloating, vit/mineral def, dermatitis herpetoformis, osteopathy, aphthous ulcers
Celiac tests
Serum IgA EMA
Serum IgA anti tissue transglutaminase antibodies (more sp, more sensitive)
Celiac confirmatory procedure
Biopsy of small bowel when pt eating gluten for 2-4+ weeks…see villous atrophy
Negative Celia, positive gluten intolerance
Negative IgA tTG antibody
Biopsy negative
Positive gliadin antibody
IgA normal