Cardiac 3 Flashcards
Aortic regurgitation
Left sided and systolic. Can –> LVH and dilation
Ausc: High pitched decrescendo diastolic murmur. Loudest at 3-4th interspace. Best w pt leaning forward, holding breath
Dx: his and PE. Doppler echo
Aortic regurg pt picture
Dt: RF, myxoma, endocarditis, congenital bicuspid valve, syphilis, CT disorder
Ssxs: asx or DOE, fatigue, syncope, chest pain…–>arrhythmia, CHF, cardiogenic shock
Aortic stenosis
Auscultation: loud, rough crescendo-decrescendo murmur at upper L sternal border
Dx: his and PE. Doppler echo
Aortic stenosis pt picture
Congenital bicuspid valve (RF, aging)
Ssxs: syncope, angina, DOE, arrhythmias
Mitral valve prolapse
Ausc: late sys murmur and midsystolic click
Dx: Echo
MVP pt picture
Pregnant, severely dehydrated, Marfans (myxomatosis degeneration)
Ssxs: usu asx, sxs w high adrenergic tone. Chest pain, palpitations, arrhythmias, dyspnea
Infective endocarditis pt picture
IV drug user, deep dental work, high fever with no obvious source, new onset murmur
Infective endocarditis
Etiology: if non IV: strep viridans. If IV: staph aureus
Need 2 things: blood borne pathogen AND cardiac lesion
(Dental surgery, catheterization, hemodialysis + congenital defect, rheumatic valve dz, bicuspid aortic valve, MVP)
Lab: 3 blood cultures over an hour
Infective endocarditis sxs
Fever, Roth spots, Osler nodes, murmur, janeway lesions, anemia, nail bed, emboli
Cough, chest pain, hemoptysis w septic PE, tricuspid murmur
Infective endocarditis imaging
Transthoracic echocardiogram to look at vegetation
ECG: maybe new AV block
Dx criteria acute pericarditis
Must have 2/4... Chest pain Pericardial friction rub ECG changes New/worsening pericardial effusion
Cardiac tamponade vs pericarditis
Tamponade: electrical alternans on ECG. Squeezing, can’t get blood out.. dec CO and thus BP falls. Tachypnea/dyspnea.
Pericarditis: chest pain, sometimes with dyspnea. Fever, chills, weakness.
Pericarditis etiology
Idiopathic. Viral infxn, MI, trauma, CT disorder (lupus loves pleura)
Pericarditis ssxs
Acute onset chest pain, sharp pleuritic pain.
Worse with motion, cough, breathing deeply
Better with sitting up, leaning forward
Pericardial effusion–> muffled, friction rub
Pericarditis sequelae
Cardiac tamponade. Drop in CO, BP…tachycardia/tachypnea, pulsus paradoxus. Muffled heart sound. Emergency.
Dx: ECG: electrical alternans. Pericardiocentesis
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms pt picture
Men. Atherosclerosis, smoking, HTN, older age, FHx, Caucasian
Usu asx. May be deep back/abdominal pain
Dx: ultrasound
Thoracic aneurysm
Sxs: More symptomatic than AAA. Chest/back pain, cough, dyspnea, dysphagia, hemoptysis, thromboembolism
Dx: his and PE, CXR
Aortic dissection pt picture
Risk factors: for atherosclerosis–coke, smoke, HTN, dyslipidemia); CT disorder, iatrogenic
African American men, eldery, HTN pts
Sxs: sudden severe pain, syncope, cardiac tamponade, BP uneven bilaterally
CXR: mediastinal shadow
Peripheral arterial dz
Risk factors of atherosclerosis
Sxs: pain on exertion, IC, numbness, tingling, ulcers
Peripheral arterial dz dx
PE: chcek peripheral pulses, ROM exam
1) Doppler ultrasound. 2) angiography. 3). MRA/CTA
Primary Raynauds dz.
3-5% women affected
Pathological condition of weakening CT. Eg Marfans