geschiedenis flashcards 2de klas
homouniversalis: a person who is an expert in many different fields
renaisance: a period in history that is seen as the rebirth of antiquity
Memento Mori
Memento Mori: Latin for ‘remember that you will die’; the motto during the Middle Ages
Worldview: the way a person interprets events in the world
carpe diem
Carpe Diem: Latin for ‘seize the day’; the motto during the Renaissance
Artists: people that make works of art and are paid and respected for it
printing press
Printing press: a device that made it possible to copy texts faster and more easily than before
silk route
Silk Route: an overland trade route that linked Europe to Asia
Monopoly: the right to be the only one to trade in a specific product or in a certain area
age of discovery
Age of Discovery: the time in which European countries explored the world (1450 until 1700)
cape of good hope
Cape of Good Hope: the southern-most point of Africa
spice trade (let op! deze ben je vergeten in je summary)
Spice trade: the trade in valuable spices from Asia, such as cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg
naval power
Naval power: when a country has a strong fleet of war ships
Reconquista: the name for the war in which Christains reconquered Spain on the Moors
Indians: the name Columbus gave to the natives of America
new world (let op! deze staat verkeerd in je summary)
New World: nickname of America given by Europeans who hoped to start a new live there
treaty of Tordesillas
Treaty of Tordesillas: treaty in which Spain and Portugal divided the world
Aztecs: a people in Mexico with a highly developed civilisation
Incas: a people in Peru, Bolivia and Chilli with a highly developed civilisation
conquistardores (deze vergeet je de hele tijd)
Conquistadores: Spanish explorers and conquerors during the age of discovery
indegious people
Indigenous people: the native inhabitants of a country
Viceroy: official who rules a country or colony in the name of the king
Hacienda (let op! deze heb je niet in je summary)
Hacienda: pieces of land on which Spanish settlers could build a farm or plantation
Encomienda: the right a Spanish settler became to let Indians work on his land