Geo keywords Flashcards
System in which people with different skin colour live separately.
basic necessities
Things that everyone needs to live a reasonable life (food, shelter, education and healthcare).
birth rate
the number of births per 1000 people per year
region that is governed by another country (usually a European country)
a process in witch clolnies become independent
everything you learn when you grow up
a very dry area where hardly anything grows
developed country
ritch country with a high level of development
developing country
poor country with a low leven of development
Development indicator
A tool for measuring the prosperity and poverty in a country
Ethic group
A group of people with a culture that differs from the cultures of other population groups in a country
Explotitation colony
Colony used for Europeanen own advantage
GNP per head
Average income per person
Grey sector
Part of the service section where the work is unskilled and poorly paid also called the informal sector
Area in South Africa there the black population lived during apartheid
Infant mortality rate
The percentage of children who die before before their first birthday
Human development index
Level of urbanization
Percentage of the population who live in cities
The number of doctors per thousand inhabitants
Physician density