gerra mundial B Flashcards
irivuenza pandemis
An Influenza pandemic is an epidemic of an influenza virus that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population.
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that spreads on a worldwide scale and infects a large proportion of the world population. In contrast to the regular seasonal epidemics of influenza, these pandemics occur irregularly - there have been about 9 Influenza pandemics during the last 300 years
mortality, with the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic being the worst in recorded history - estimated to be responsible for the deaths of approximately 50-100 million people.
species. Species that are thought to be important in the emergence of new human strains are pigs, chickens and ducks. These novel strains are unaffected by any immunity people may have to older strains of human influenza and can therefore spread extremely rapid
influenza pandemics.[2][3] The propagation of influenza viruses throughout the world is thought in part to be by bird migrations, though commercial shipments of live bird products might also be implicated, as well as human travel patterns.
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has produced a six-stage classification that describes the process by which a novel influenza virus moves from the first few infections in humans through to a pandemic
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mostly infecting animals, with a few cases where animals infect people, then moves through the stage where the virus begins to spread directly between people, and ends with a pandemic when infections from the new virus have spread worldwide.[4]
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may produce a pandemic in the future is a highly pathogenic variation of the H5N1 subtype of influenza A virus.
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WHO stated that “[a]s of 8 November 2009, worldwide more than 206 countries and overseas territories or communities have reported [503,536] laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including over 6,250 deaths
more serious cases, influenza causes pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in young children and the elderly.
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the aforementioned bodily fluids (or surfaces contaminated with those fluids). Flu viruses can remain infectious for about one week at human body temperature, over 30 days at 0 °C (32 °F), and indefinitely at very l
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killed tens of millions of people, with each of these pandemics being caused by the appearance of a new strain of the virus in humans. Often, these new strains result from the spread of an existing flu virus to humans from other animal species. When it first killed hu
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viruses are negative sense, single-stranded, segmented RNA viruses. “There are 16 different HA antigens (H1 to H16) and nine different NA antigens (N1 to N9) for influenza A. Until recently, 15 HA types had been recognized, but recently two new types were isolated
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damage to many people.[23] There were not enough doctors, hospital rooms, or medical supplies for the living as they contracted the disease. Dead bodies were often left unburied as few people were available to deal with them.
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only a matter of a few hours then until death comes […]. It is horrible. One can stand it to
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Army camps where reasonably reliable statistics were kept, case mortality often exceeded 5 percent, and in some circumstances exceeded 10 percent
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and the extreme severity of the symptoms, suspected to be caused by cytokine storms.[
stomach, and intestine. Bleeding from the ears and petechial hemorrhages in the skin also occurred.”[26] The majority of deaths w