Germany 1: 1890-1918 Flashcards
Who ruled Germany between 1890 and 1918?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
When did several independent states join together to form the united country of Germany?
1871 (after victory in the Franco-Prussian War)
Why was Prussia so powerful in Germany?
It was the largest state with two-thirds of the territory and half the population. It had a very proud and large army that sure an oath to the Kaiser. Some other states felt powerless to influence German policy.
What was the political structure of the German Empire?
Kaiser (emperor) appoints Chancellor Chancellor (prime minister) has power over policies and appointments Reichstag (parliament) limited power and could be ignored by Chancellor and Kaiser All men over 25 can vote for members of the Reichstag
As chancellor in the 1870s and 1890s what did Bismark do to unify Germany?
- national coinage - postal service - laws - railway - army - assimilated ethnic groups (Poles, Danes, French)
Why was Wilhelm II’s character unsuitable in his position as an active and ambitious Kaiser?
- unstable mood - violent rages - aware as commander-in-chief of the armed forces that he had a withered left hand
What does WELTPOLITIK mean?
World policy (focus on international policy and status)
What was the ‘Scramble for Africa’?
European powers seized colonies in Africa to build overseas empires.
How did Germany’s industry grow under Wilhelm II?
- Twice as much steel as Britain - 1/3 of the world’s electrical goods - Most advanced telephone system - World leaders in chemical and steel industries - Siemens and Bosch
How did Germany’s population change between 1871 and 1914
40 million (1871) to 68 million (1914)
What was the disadvantage of population growth?
Most of the population was centered around industrial cities and towns, like Berlin, this meant few people worked in agriculture. This lead to a reliance on food imports to feed the country. (This became a clear disadvantage in the First World War when the British Blockade cause mass famine.)
What was the advantage of population growth?
It provided manpower for growing industries, allowing industrialisation to continue.
What reforms were brought in to support the growing number of socialist workers?
- Old age pensions 1889 - Sickness and accident insurance
What and when was the First Naval Law?
In 1898: 7 new battleships (to add to current 12) so that Germany could help gain and protect a global empire.
What and when was the Second Naval Law?
In 1900: Doubled size of the fleet to 38 battleships to compete with Britain
When did the Kaiser abdicate?
9th November 1918 (fled to the Netherlands)
When was the armistice signed?
11th November 1918
What happened during the German Revolution in Oct-Nov 1918?
- Allies had clearly won the war
- Germans were starved out by British Naval Blockade
- Sailors in Kiel refuse to fight and revolt
- Socialist uprisings and independence movements in German cities and states
What economic problems did the First World War cause in Germany by 1918?
- National Income was 1/3 of what it had been in 1913 - Industrial production was reduced by 1/3 - Germany was spending 1/3 of its budget on war pensions - 600,000 widows and 2 million children without fathers
What are Right-wing political parties?
Right-wing: support traditional conservative values, landowners and property owners. Nationalistic and Imperialistic (support the expansion of the Empire) They wanted the Kaiser to return to power.
What are Left-Wing political parties?
Left-wing: support workers rights and growing strength of industry, the extremes were communists. Most were working-class who benefitted from an equal society.
Who were the SDP?
Social Democratic Party - growing support from industrial workers who liked socialism and communist ideas. Support for the left-wing SDP increased: it had about 30% of seats in the Reichstag in 1912.
What social divisions did the First World War cause in Germany by 1918?
- Bigger gaps between rich and poor - Factory owners made money whilst workers wages were cut - Women had been called up to work in factories damaging traditional values