Geriatric assessment Flashcards
Urinary incontinence
transient ischemic attack
Atrial fibrillation
Heart failure reduced ejection fraction
Mild cognitive impairment
restless leg syndrome
Assessing older adults in the clinical setting
What they have for chronic medical conditions, what their support system looks like, and their meds, and oftentimes we often relate this to diabetes
Your A1C goals are really based on similar things in how functional the person is so we just have to look at the big picture for older adults
Often times things don’t present the same in older adults so an MI might half the time look like chest pain but otherwise its abdominal pain maybe they pass out and have a episode
CHF so decreased perfusion…so heart failure we have less blood flow to critical organs and areas and so that’s going to look a little different, a GI bleed, again we may see some change in mental status or some syncope which is passing out, a urinary tract infection they are not complaining of burning when they are urinating or frequency….its they are confused they are just incontinent or maybe they have some abdominal pain but it’s a very different picture than what a urinary tract infection would like for you or me…
so we have lots of different geriatric syndrome so we look at these we have falls,dementia, _________, __________, urinary incontinence, weight loss, vision loss, hearing loss
insomnia, osteoporosis
__________is ability to break easily or just being more sensitive in general or more again at risk…those geriatric syndromes that we just went over can certainly cause frailty as well which can then also lead to poor health outcomes, disability, dependence, needing to live in some type of assisted living skilled nursing facility or death
Frailty occurring in 15% of community dwelling older adults so its really a dysregulation of multiple physiologic systems
frailty is directly related to life expectancy based on the other conditions that folks have
Older adult breaks their hip whats the percentage of folks who will die within a year of breaking a hip…its upwards of 80 it is common and the reason for that is you lose mobility your more frail then your more at risk…your transitioning through multiple types of either facilities going home to a home that is not suited or fit after the fall and it depends on the severity of the fall the age of the patient but unfortunately sometimes the fall is the beginning of the end because there’s so much related to that
___________ are a modifiable risk factor for many of those geriatric syndromes