Geometric Optics Flashcards
A way of describing light as a wave form
Geometric optics
A way of describing the prorogation of light in terms of individual rays
The change in direction of a wave form due to the presence of a surface
Surface normal
The line perpendicular to the flat surface
Optic properties of materials
Color, apsorptivity, luminocity, photosensativity, reflectivity, refractive index, scattering, transmittence
The change in wavelength of light as it passes through a given material
The ability of a material to alter the direction of a wave of sound, particles, or light as they pass through a material
Optical medium
The object through which light passes in an optical system
Refractive index
The ratio of ‘c’ the speed of light through a substance to the speed of light through the optical medium
Index denoted as ‘n’
The fraction of incident electromagnetic power that is reflected at a surface
The surface of the optical medium
The degree to which a material reacts upon receiving photons
A measure of brightness
Definition varies across multiple disciplines
The visible electromagnetic wavelength of the photons reflected (transmitted in translucent materials) by the material
Gaussian Optics
The practice within geometric optics by which the use of the paralaxial approximation is used in calculation
A measure of how powerfully a material absorbs electromagnetic radiation
Branch of physics that deals with the behavior of light
A change in the orientation in which a light wave oscillates through an optical medium
Physical optics
Includes the optics practices that cannot be approximated by geometric optics
Factors in light propegation
The permativity and permiability of the optical medium
Intrinsic impedance of optical media
Electrostatic field magnitude over magntostatic field magnetude
The changing of a wave due to its surroundings