Geography Testweek Ch3 Flashcards
The force that makes things work
Fossil fuels
Fuels (natural gas, oil and coal) that form over the course of millions of years from the remains of dead plants, trees and animals.
sustainable energy source
An energy source that will never become depleted when it is used, and does not make the greenhouse effect worse. Also called a renewable energy source.
carbon dioxide (CO2)
A gas in the atmosphere that is very important for life on Earth.
enhanced greenhouse effect
When the ‘natural’ effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) gets magnified as the amount of it in the atmosphere increases.
climate change
The name for what happens over a period of about thirty years when climate factors (e.g. temperature, precipitation) change.
sea level
The average height of the sea.
sea-level rise
When the average height of the sea increases.
A man-made flood barrier.
Area where the water level is controlled by man-made methods.
water board
An organization that is responsible for water safety and the quality of surface water. It also makes sure there is enough fresh water.
Type of soil that consists of plant remains.
Raw materials and fuels that are extracted from the earth.
relative sea-level rise
Combination of absolute sea-level rises and the effects of subsidence.
sand suppletion
Putting a lot of extra sand along the coast to protect against rising sea levels.
Room for the River
Project to improve water drainage in river beds and floodplains.
Area between the dike and the river bed.
summer dike
A small dike in the floodplain that protects against small increases in water level.
secondary channel
An extra channel in a river, used for drainage at high water.
Rivers in the desert that are completely dry for part of the year. Also refers to green strips in cities for carrying away excess rainwater.
climate-proof construction
A construction method for dealing with rainwater.