Biology Testweek Ch2 Flashcards
nutrients that mainly function as building blocks, but also as fuels
the useable components of foodstuffs
nutrient that mainly functions as a building block
nutrients that mainly function as building blocks and as protective substances
building blocks
nutrients that are used to make cells and tissues
plant-based foodstuffs
foodstuffs that come from plants or parts of plants
nutrients that provide energy
nutrients that mainly function as fuels, but also as building blocks and reserves
nutrients that mainly function as building blocks and as protective substances
nutrients that mainly function as fuels, but also as building blocks and reserves
protective substances
nutrients that are needed to keep you healthy
dietary fibre
the indigestible parts of plant-derived food
any product that we eat or drink
animal-based foodstuffs
foodstuffs that come from parts of animals or products of animals
test strip
strip of paper that changes colour in the presence of a certain substance
substance that can be used to demonstrate the presence of another substance
food poisoning
food poisoning
an infection caused by eating food that has been contaminated with chemicals, bacteria or other patho
food hygiene
preparing and cooking food safely to reduce
eating a varied diet
eating something from each of the five sections of the Wheel of Five every day
energy requirement
amount of energy a person needs each day
bulimia nervosa
eating disorder in which the person worries about being too fat; they have regular eating binges and then vomit to get rid of the food
when you are heavier than you should be for your age and height
when you are lighter than you should be for your age and height
anorexia nervosa
eating disorder in which the person feels they are too fat and eats very little in order to lose extreme amounts of weight
Body Mass Index (BMI)
measurement used to determine whether your weight is healthy
the alternate contraction and relaxation of the circular muscles and longitudinal muscles in the wall of the intestinal tract
the breakdown of nutrients so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream
digestive glands
the glands that produce the digestive juices
digestive juices
these are added to the intestinal tract to help the digestion of food
digestive system
all parts of the body involved in the digestion of food
substances that speed up chemical processes
function of pancreatic juice
Digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats
function of small intestine
absorbing nutrients, digestion products and water into the blood
large intestine
part of the body that removes water from the pulp of undigested food residues
circular muscle (sphincter) that closes off the exit from the rectum
function of gastric juice
kills bacteria in your food and starts the breakdown of proteins
part of the body that stores faeces temporarily
part of the body where food is stored temporarily
gland that produces pancreatic juice
undigested food residues
the part of the caecum that is inflamed in appendicitis.
pyloric sphincter
circular muscle that closes off the exit from the stomach
part of the body where the food pulp is mixed with bile and pancreatic juice
function of saliva
makes food more slippery and starts the breakdown of starch
function of intestinal juice
digests proteins and carbohydrates
function of bile
breaks large fat globules up into small fat droplets so that it is easier for the enzymes to get at the fats