Geography CP: Changing Places Key Terms Flashcards
What is Location?
Where a place is on a map, its latitude and coordinates
What is Locale?
The place where something happens or is set, or that has a particular set of events associated with it.
What is Sense of Place?
The subjective, personal and emotional attachment to place, its meaning. This can change from person.
What is Perception of Place?
This is the way in which a place is viewed or regarded by people. This can be influenced by media representation or personal experience.
What is Topophilia?
The love that people feel for particular places.
What is Topophobia?
The fear that people feel for particular places.
What is Place Attachment?
Place attachment is the depth of feeling of a person has for a place. It is influenced by the depth of a person’s knowledge and understanding of the place. This attachment increases with age.
What are Insiders?
People have a stronger relationship with the places they are familiar with. To be inside a place is to belong to it and identify with it.
What are Outsiders?
The sense of place is more vague and abstract. Outsiders’ view is often about discovery, a personal view of entering a location of landscape and learning about the place. can feel out of place.
What is Positionality?
Sense and perception of place is influenced by positionality. Refers to demographic factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, age religion, political belief and socio-economic status. can influence feelings of belonging or alienation.
Abstract representation of place
Any representation can be thought of as abstract - some more than others e.g. The London Tube
Formal representation of place
A more objective representation of place based on facts rather than feeling or opinions. Include census data and geospatial data.
Informal representation of place
The media usually used informal representations of place. These representations are more subjective and do not necessarily reflect what actually exists in the world.
Qualitative data representation of data
Is when description statements can be made about a subject based on observations interviews or evaluations - subjective based on 1 option e.g. poems, paintings, songs.
Quantitative data representation of place
This is facts and figures are used to define a place based officially recognised data collection e.g population size, census data.
What is Phenomenological?
The approach to place concerned with how an individual person experiences place. It recognises a highly personal relationship between a place and a person.
Time - space convergence
The impression that distances between 2 locations have decreased due to developments in transport and communication.
Counter - mapping
A bottom - up process by which people produce their own maps, informed by their own local knowledge and understanding of places.
Endogenous Factors
This refers to the characteristics of the place itself or factors which have originated internally e.g. location, physical geography, land use.
Exogenous Factors
Refers to the relationship of one place with other places and the external factor which affects it. The demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of a place are shaped by the shifting flows of people, resources, money.
Agents of Change
These are the people who impact on a place whether through living, working or trying to improve that place e.g. residents, community groups, corporate entities.
Place Identity
The meaning that people attach to places. These can arise from knowledge and feeling that come from everyday experiences of physical spaces or from the way that places are represented in a range of different media.