Geography 4.5 Flashcards
Why is the sea level rising
In short, global warming melting ice caps in north pole (already know how) and the ice glaciers can melt adding more water into the sea
How bad will sea level get and how will it affect different places around the world?
The Maldives have a very low land to sea height and if the sea keeps rising, it will be under water by 2050
How will climate change affect erosion/deposition?
Climate change forecasts predict an increase in global temperatures
This is likely to cause global sea levels to rise yet further
When these two factors are combined it will have the effect of focusing wave energy closer to the shore and cliff faces, leading to increased rates of coastal erosion in areas where cliffs are composed of soft rocks.
How will climate change affect storm frequency, intensity, and storm surges?
Another factor associated with storm events is ‘storm surge’. Extreme low pressure over an area can cause sea level to rise locally, which can lead to coastal flooding in low-lying areas, and overtopping of sea defences.
How will storm surges effect people and the environment?
Wave erosion at the base removes the support for the upper section of the cliff. This causes the cliff to become unstable and fail, most commonly as a rotational landslide.
Explain how groynes and sea walls work?
The idea of groynes is to capture sand that moves down the beach via longshore drift and help build up a larger section of beach in front of an area that’s experiencing coastal erosion.
Explain how beach replenishment and slope stabilisation works
a process by which sediment, usually sand, lost through longshore drift or erosion is replaced from other sources.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for each management type?
Beach replenishment happens by itself and is free, groynes and sea walls are expensive
What is the difference between hard and soft engineering? Which is best?
Soft engineering options are often less expensive than hard engineering options. They are usually more long-term and sustainable, with less impact on the environment. None is best
What is strategic realignment and which areas might be left to erode? (Refer to a CBA)
Strategic alignment is the process and the result of linking an organization’s structure and resources with its strategy and business environment
Explain why ITCM schemes are a sustainable form of coastal management.
Where the government chooses where to put coastal defences and leave other areas to erode of less significance. Its free, but not everyone is happy