Geographical Origin (Animal Ecologist) Flashcards
First Book “Animal Ecology”
Charles Elton (1927)
“Ecological Animal Geography”
Richard Hesse (1924)
published first book “A guide to the study of Animal Ecology” (1913)
Charles Christopher Adams
Law of Tolerance (gave a new direction to ecology by stressing the relationship between plants and animals)
Victor Ernest Shelford
“Principle of Animals Ecology”
Warder Clyde Allee
ecosystem concept
Arthur George Tansley
“Trophic dynamic Aspects of Ecology”
Raymond Lindemann
biogeochemical cycling
George Evelyn Hutchinson, Ivington, Rodin, Bazellivic
“Fundamentals of Ecology”
Howard Thomas Odum
Experimental Ecology
Alfred Lotka & Vito Volterra
competition theory; predator-prey
Georgy Gause
intraspecific competition
Arnold Joseph Nicholson
niche concept
Henry A. Gleason
population regulation
Herbert Andrewartha
instinctive and aggressive behavior
Lorenz and Tinbergen
population density versus resource
Thomas Malthus (1798)