Genitourinary System Flashcards
Pregnant uterus increases 500-1000 times
(urgency during pregnancy)
Mucus plug in cervix prevents fetal infection
Genitourinary System
Vagina location and function
A tubular canal
Between the rectum and the bladder
Squamous epithelial cells
Uterus is pear shaped
Thickened wall
Freely movable sitting superior to bladder
What does Menstrual history?
Date of last period?
Age at first period?
How long are periods?
Pain or cramps?
Obstetric history?
How many pregnancies?
How many babies?
Miscarriages, abortions?
For each pregnancy: Duration, complications, labor, delivery, baby’s sex, weight, condition?
Think you’re pregnant now?
Menopause 閉経
What to ask?
Have periods slowed, stopped?
Symptoms of menopause (hot flash, numbness, tingling, headache)?
Using hormone replacement?
Vaginal discharge?
What to ask
Unusual, increased discharge?
Character, color? Onset?
Itching, rash, pain? Medications?
Family history of diabetes?
Screening Methods
Age 21 to 29
Every 3 years with cytology (Pap testing)
Age 30 to 65
Every 5 years with HPV co-test (Pap + HPV test)
Every 3 years with cytology
Atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal epithelium atrophies
Becoming thinner, drier, and itchy
Uterine prolapsed?
The uterus shrinks in size
Sacral ligaments relax and pelvic musculature weakens, so that the uterus droops.
Sometimes the uterus may protrude, or prolapses into the vagina
Abnormal finding
A yeast infection
-Causes by the fungal organism
Candida albicans
What are the subjective data?
Menarche age 12
Cycle usually q 28days
Duration 5 days
No urinary problem
Answer of no STD
Sexal relationship with husband
Function and structure
Corpora cavernosa-erectile tissue
Corpora spongiosum-erectile tissue
Glans- cone of erectile tissue
Foreskin, or prepuce
Scrotum-loose protective sac
Cremaster muscle- controls the size of scrotum based on temperature.
Testis-produces sperm, located in each sac
Urine color
a) Red?
b) Orange?
c) Blue?
a) Blood in urine, cancer, following prostate exam, surgery
b) Side effect to medications such as pyridium, warfarin, some foods, dehydration
c) Side effect to medications such as indoicn, amitriptyline, some foods such as asparagu
Additional History: Aging Adult
Any difficulty urinating?
Do you ever leak urine when you don’t want to?
Do you need to get up at night to urinate?
Testicular Self-Examination
TSE to every male from 13 to 14 years old through adulthood
Testicular cancer most commonly occurs in young men age 15 to 35
Points to include during health teaching are:
T - timing, once a month
S - shower, warm water relaxes scrotal sac
E - examine, check for and report changes immediately
Sexual Expression Aging Adults
- *In the absence of disease**
- *Withdrawal from sexual activity may be due to**
Loss of spouse
Preoccupation with work
Marital or family conflict
Side effects of medications
Heavy use of alcohol
Lack of privacy, living with adult children or in a nursing home
Economic or emotional stress
Poor nutrition or fatigue
Developmental Competence: Adults & Aging Adults
Around 40 yo
sperm begins to decrease
although it continues into 80s and 90s
Testosterone production declines after age 30
continues very gradually physical changes
Abnormal Findings
Hesitancy 躊躇
Interrupted stream
Weak urine stream
leaking or dribbling
Increased nocturnal frequency
Abnormal Findings
Sudden severe pain in one testicle
Scrotal swelling
Nausea & vomiting
Abdominal pain
- *This is a medical (actually surgical) emergency**
- *Patient needs to get to an ER IMMEDIATELY!!!**
The parent of a 10-year-old female asks the nurse if her daughter can receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The nurse’s best response is:
“Your daughter can start the HPV series after her first menstrual cycle.”
“Your daughter can start the HPV series now.”
“Your daughter will need to wait until she is sexually active to start the HPV series.”
“The HPV vaccine is not appropriate for females.”
“Your daughter can start the HPV series now.”
Human papillomavirus vaccines
HPV vaccines can be given starting at age 9 years
Loss of bone density that occurs with greatest frequency in postmenopausal women is called?
Developmental competence
Aging adult
After age 40, bone resorption occurs more rapidly than deposition
Loss of bone density
Postural changes (kyphosis)
Loss of subcutaneous fat
Loss of periphery fat
Loss in muscle mass
An adult client has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. What type of working conditions may have contributed to this diagnosis?
Frequent repetitive movements
Heavy lifting
Substantial physical activity
Prolonged sitting
Frequent repetitive movements
Rheumatoid arthritis(RA)?
Autoimmune disorder involving inflammation and degeneration of joints
Pain and stiffness after awakening in the morning lasting more than 30 mins
Progressive breakdown and loss of cartilage in one or more joints
Joint edema
A patient is being assessed for range of joint movement. The nurse asks him to move his arm in toward the center of his body.
This movement is called?
Common and complex form of arthritis
Sudden, severe attacks of pain,
Redness and tenderness in the joints
Often the joint at the base of the big toe
What are the benefits of probiotics?
A. Increase the effectiveness of antibiotics
B. Helps with weight loss
C. Promotes microbial balance
D. Nausea relief
What foods have a lot of
A. Fish, seeds, nuts
B. Kimchi, tempeh, yogurt, kefir, pickles
C. Green leafy vegetables
D. Red meat
True or false?
Do people who have concussions lose consciousness after injury?
How many sports related concussions happen in the U.S. each year?
1.6-3 million
What is the term for acute, sometimes fatal, brain swelling that occurs when a second concussion is sustained before complete recovery from a previous concussion?
A) Traumatic Brain Injury
B) Intracranial Bleeding
C) Second Impact Syndrome
D) Concussion part 2: football boogaloo
Which individuals are not able to breastfeed? (SATA)
a) Mothers who have TB
b) Mothers who have HIV
c) Mothers who have anemia
d) Mothers who uses cocaine
e) Mothers who has asthma
Which of these are maternal benefits from breastfeeding?
a) Gives the mother more energy throughout the day
b) Lowers risk for postpartum depression
c) Reduces the chances for the mother to have memory loss
d) Mother will no longer have stress
How can significant others (partner) help with the baby?(SATA)
a) Assists with night feeds
b) Breast feed the child themselves
c) Leave mom alone at all times
d) Give mom a break!
Which age group of adults is the largest
consumer of vaping products?
a) 18- 24 y.o.
b) 24-44 y. o.
c) 45- 66 y. o.
d) 65+ y. o.
Which body systems does vaping affect? (SATA)
a) Respiratory System
b) Cardiovascular System
c) Nervous System
d) Digestive System
True/ False?
Vaping increases the risk for a myocardial infarction
1: How often should you visit the dentist?
A. Every 5 years.
B. Twice a year.
C. Never visit the dentist.
D. Once a year
Dryness of the mouth is called..
A. Cavities
B. Xerostomia
C. Bad breath
D. Gingivitis
What should you have available to safely
provide oral hygiene to an unconscious patient?
A. Don’t brush the patients teeth.
B. Banana Peel
C. Suction device
D. Floss
What does the Mediterranean diet consist of?
A. Whole grain, fruits, fish and nuts
B. Red meat, Fatty foods, nuts
C. Only poultry and fish
D. Vegetarian
How many US adults are diagnosed with prediabetes?
A. 106 million
B. 93 million
C. 87 million
D. 96 million
Which of the following can optimize your sleep? SATA
A) Exercise an hour before your bedtime
B) Sleep in a cool dark room
C) Limit screen time before bed
D) Establish a regular sleep pattern
True or false
UV radiation from tanning beds are 100 times intense than regular sunlight?
Tanning beds can increase the risk of skin cancer by?
What type of UV rays are emitted by tanning lamps?
UV-A and UV-B
What vitamin does indoor tanning lack?
Vitamin D
A 38-year-old woman presents with
multiple small joints that are symmetrically
involved with pain, swelling, and stiffness.
Which of the following is the most likely
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Septic arthritis
- Gout
- Trauma
A patient is being assessed for range of joint movement. The nurse asks him to move his arm in toward the center of his body. This movement is called:
A) flexion.
B) abduction.
C) adduction.
D) extension.
While assessing the range of motion of the patient’s knee, the nurse expects the patient to be able to perform which movements?
A) Flexion, extension, and hyperextension.
B) circumduction, internal and external rotation.
C) adduction, abduction, and rotation.
D) flexion, pronation, and supination.