Breast Flashcards
Breast location?
Nipple and areola?
Breasts lie anterior to pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles between 2nd and 6th ribs
a) Nipple
b) Areola?
a) lie just below center of breast. Contains tiny milk ducts
b) Darkened area contains sebaceous glands that secret lipid material during lactation
* *Glandular tissue**
Four groups of axillary/Location
a) Central axillary nodes
b) Pectoral (anterior)
c) Subscapular (posterior)
d) Lateral
a) High up in the middle of the axilla
b) Along the lateral edge of the pectoralis major muscle
Inside the anterior axillary fold
c) Along the lateral edge of the scapula
deep in the posterior axillary fold
d) Along the humerus
Inside the upper arm
From the central axillary nodes
If left breast is slightly larger than the right
What does this indicate?
Common to have a slight asymmetry in breast size
No-one has PERFECT breast
Self-breast exam
The week after the period ends
Position/sitting or standing
Raise hands over head. Look for symmetry
Push hands on hips, then hands together
Look for dimpling or pucker.
Palpate axilla and breasts
Abnormal findings
Dimpling & nipple retraction
Cancer causes fibrosis
Contracts the suspensory ligaments
Abnormal findings

Edema (Peau d’Orange)
Lymphatic obstruction produces edema
Abnormal findings

Benign (“Fibrocystic”)
Breast Disease
Will not turn into breast cancer
Benign tumors (an abnormal but noncancerous collection of cells)
Nontender mass that is solid, firm, rubbery, and elastic
Round, oval, or lobulated
1 to 5 cm/ larger than 2 to 3 cm surgery
An inflammatory mass before abscess formation
Red, swollen, tender, very hot, and hard
flu like symptoms
May occur during first 4 months of lactation from infection or plugged duct
Breast abscess
A rare complication of generalized infection if untreated
A pocket of pus that feels hard
looks red, tender
occurs with use of anabolic steroids
liver cirrhosis
If a lump is present, note…?
breast as a clock face
distance in cm from the nipple
(i.e. 7:00, 2 cm from the nipple)
- *Size**
- *Shape**
- *Consistency**
- *Movable**
Breast changes start about the 2nd month
At 4th month, colostrum may be expressed 初乳
It continues until 1-3 days post partum 産後
↓ estrogen & progesterone (glandular tissue atrophy; replaced with fibrous connective tissue)
↓ breast size and elasticity (breasts droop & sag)
Increasing age is the primary risk factor for developing breast cancer; therefore an annual CBE is important
Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Female, older than 50 years
First degree relative with breast cancer
High breast tissue density
High-dose radiation to chest
(CT Scans with highest radiation dose)
Early menarche (\< 12 years) or Late menopause (\>55 years)
Breast cancer risk
Life style related
First child after 30 years of age
Never breastfed a child
Recent and long term use of estrogen and progesterone
Alcohol intake of > 1 drink daily
Obesity and high-fat diet
Physical inactivity
Parotid glands?
Salivary glands produce saliva to aid in chewing and digesting food
Salivary glands produce saliva to aid in chewing and digesting food
Acanthosis nigricans?
Typically occurs in people who are obese or have diabetes
What does a slow capillary refill mean?
Raised collection of fluid < 1 cm
-Chicken pox
-Insect bite, TB test
*Vesicle or bulla filled with pus > 1 cm
-Acne Vulgaris
No symptoms
Bums, sores, itching
Painful urination
NOT swollen tonsils
What is the most common STI in the US?
Human Papillomavirus(HPV) Genital Warts
Non sexually activity, pt has thick, whitish, clumpy vaginal discharge