Genitourinary Flashcards
What are the 3 arteries in the spermatic cord?
Testicular artery, artery to vas deferents, cremasteric artery
What are the layers of the scrotum?
Some Damn Englishmen Call It The Testis Skin Dartos External spermatic fascia Cremaster muscle Internal spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis Testis
What is the nerve root innervation of the urethral sphincter, anal sphincter and penis?
S2,3,4 keeps pee/ poo/ penis off the floor
What is the relation of the ureter to uterine artery/ vas deferens?
Water (pee) runs under the bridge (artery/vas deferens)
What is the innervation of the penis?
Point, shoot, score
Parasympathetic- erection
Sympathetic- ejaculation/ emission
What is the most posterior part of the renal hilum?
Pelvis (vein, artery, pelvis)
Are the ureters retroperitoneal?
Yes for their entire course
What is the length of the urètre in the abdomen va pelvis?
Equal length in each
Where is the ureter in relation to psoas?
Anterior, it descends vertically downwards
What is the relation of gonadal artery and vein to the ureter?
They cross the ureter in the abdomen
Where does the genitofemoral nerve pass in relation to the ureter?
It goes behind which explains referred pain in testes with calculi
What is the blood supply of the ureter?
Superior- ureteric branches of renal artery
Middle- branches of gonadal arteries
Inferior- branches of common and external arteries
Pelvic- branches of internal iliac and vesical arteries
Where can the ureter be compressed?
Pelvic-ureteric junction
As it crosses pelvic brim and changes direction
Crossing of gonadal artery
Oblique intramural course of the vesiculo-ureteric junction
At what vertebral level is the kidney?
Hilum is in the transpyloric place
What are the layers covering the kidney?
Renal capsule of fibrous tissue within the perinephric fat. The fat is surrounded by the renal fascia (Gerota’s fascia)
What are the posterior relations of the kidney?
Four muscles
- Diaphragm (superiority)
- Quadratus lumborum (inferiorly
- Psoas major (medically)
- Transversus abdominis (laterally)
What’s the lymph drainage of the kidney?
Para-aortic nodes adjacent to the renal arteries.
Upper pole may drain to the posterior mediastinal lymph nodes
Where is the Dartos muscle derived from?
From the abdominal Camper’s fascia
Where is the Dartos fascia derived from?
The abdominal Scarpa’s fascia
Where is the external spermatic fascia derived from?
The external oblique
Where is the cremaster muscle derived from?
The internal oblique muscle
Where is the internal spermatic fascia derived from?
The transversalis fascia
Where does the left testicular vein drain?
The left renal vein
Where does the right testicular vein drain?
Into the IVC
Why is the different drainage of the testicular veins clinically important?
The oblique entry of the right testicular vein into the IVC does not allow for back flow of blood so therefore varicocoeles are more common on the left
What is the artery to ductus deferens a branch of?
The superior vesical artery
What lines the epididymis?
ciliated columnar epithelium
What is the innervation of skin of the scrotum?
Anterolateral= genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Anterior= anterior scrotal nerves from ilioinguinal nerve Posterior= posterior scrotal nerves from pudendal nerve Inferior= perineal branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
What goes from medial to lateral in the posterior trigone of the bladder?
Vas deferens, seminal vesicles and then ureter
In the scrotum, where does the vas lie in relation to the epidydimis?