Genital Anatomy Flashcards
What is an erogenous zone? give a few examples.
Part of the body that provides a sexually pleasant sensation (sexual pleasure) whenever it is physically stimulated through touch
Examples: neck, breast, inside thighs, feet
What are the ingredients required for a body part to be considered erogenous?
- tactile nerves (inervation)
- blood flow (vascularization)
- experience + positive association reinforcement = preference
- culture tells us which body part ought to be sexualized - where we should be getting our sexual stimulation from
- sexual stimulation is acquired from an erogenous zone depending on context
- ex: breasts: in the bed (YES) or at the doctor’s office getting a mammogram (NO)
Where is a location that has the potential to be an erogenous zone? why?
The anus (perineum)
- richly innervated and vascularized
What is the part that develops into either male or female genitals? with the presence of which hormone? what parts of the genitals does it turn into?
Labioscrotal Swelling - embryotic tissue that develops differently depending on the presence of sex hormones (testosterone)
Male: the scar/seam in the middle of the scrotum is the labioscrotal fusing together
Female: stays open and creates the outer lips of the vulva
Homologous Organs + example
organs in the male and female that develop from the same embryonic tissue
ex: the glands of the clitoris and the glands of the penis
Analogous Organs + example
organs in the male and female that have similar functions
ex: The penis has a urethra going through it so it has the elimination of urine and it has ejaculation… There is no urethra going through the clitoris
- foreskin + preface of the clitoris
mons pubis
- top of the vulva
- very innervates and vascularized - so potential for sexual pleasure
- makes its way down the outer lips and covered with pubic hair
outer lips
- Very vascularized and lots of tactile nerves - potential for sexual stimulation
Inner lips
- no pubic hair
- very innervated
- very vascularized - gets engorged with blood and changes in colour during sexual response
What is the vestibule?
It is what is on the inside of the inner lips:
-opening of the urethra
-opening of the vagina
- the hymen
Lots of tactile nerves and richly vascularized
- Can be seen from the outside… but just the tip of it
- covered by a preface similar to foreskin
- it is partially or entirely covered… if you lift the preface you can just see the tip of the clitoris
Most of it is an internal structure - wishbone
- legs of the clitoris: erectile tissues similar to those is a penis - cavernous bodies
- these become engorged with sexual stimulation
Under the legs, there are the bulbs of the clitoris:
- vestibular bulbs: lie right under the legs - veins that are squished and become engorged
- these may bulge and look blue
At the entrance of the vagina opening
- a flexible + thin membrane that has stretch
- NOT indication of a person’s sex history
Some cultures place a huge emphasis on the hymen being in tact and the ability of a person to be a wife is an indication of it being intact
Idea that accompanies bleeding and pain:
- Pelvic floor muscle hugs the entrance of the vagina and in about 2-3cm
- these muscles contract so when there is fear the muscle tenses up
- the feeling of being tight/loose or pain of friction is the muscle, not the hymen
*Kegal exercises can tighten/tone the muscle
The hyman has capillaries going through it, so when it is stretched and cracks there will be capillaries inside:
- Big capillary = 1-2 drops
- Small capillary: hardly any bleeding
2cm of tight narrow feeling and then it becomes wide open
Can be divided into 3rds:
- The outter third (closest to the opening): has tactile nerved
- The 2 inner thirds: doesn’t have tactile nerves (which it why we don’t feel tampons when placed correctly)
It gets longer and wider with sexual stimulation
It is an acidic structure - acid kills sperm!
At the end of the vagina:
- gland responsible for discharge
- can be sensitive when getting a pap, biopsy, surgery