Genetics Test 3 Flashcards
Unwinding the helix, initiator protein, binds to ORI causing confirmation change, causes helix to destabilize and open up, exposes ssDNA
DNA helicase
Made of DNA B polypeptides, hexamer of subunits, subsequently recruits holoenzyme to bind replication fork and initiate replication, require energy supplies by hydrolysis of ATP-denatures hydrogen binds and stabilizes double helix
Single stranded binding proteins (SSBP)
Stabilize the open confirmation of helix, bind specifically to single strands of DNA,
DNA gyrase
Relieves coiled tension from unwinding of helix (member of the DNA topoisomerases) slide along ahead of helicase to relieve tension
Primase: RNA polymerase
Synthesizes RNA primer, provides 3’-OH required by DNA polymerase III for elongation, (aka build little short segments of RNA, capable of starting with nothing)
DNA polymerase I
Removes primer
RNA priming
Universal phenomena found in everything with DNA
Continuous DNA synthesis
Leading strand
Discontinuous DNA synthesis
Lagging strand
Okazaki fragments
The chunks of DNA that form from the lagging strand
DNA ligase
Catalyzes formation of phosphodiester bonds and seals nicks and joins Okazaki fragments
DNA clamp
Prevents core enzyme dissociation from template
DNA polymerase exonuclease can go back and correct mistakes (3’-5’)
Enzymes and proteins that are essential to DNA synthesis
DNA polymerase III, SSBPs, DNA gyrase, DNA helicase, RNA primers
Shared features of eukaryotic and Bacterial DNA replication
Double strand unwound at ORI, replication forks, bidirectional synthesis, requires four triphosphates, primer
Why is eukaryotic DNA replication more complicated
More DNA, linear chromosomes, DNA complexes with nucleotides
Do eukaryotic organisms have one ORI or many?
Many, speeds up the process
Autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs)
120 base pairs of consensus sequence (same sequence in all those places) in yeast
Prereplication complex (pre-RC)
Assembles at replication ORIs, early GI phase of cell cycle, for controlled timing of DNA replication
Does eukaryotic DNA replication have one polymerase or many?
Polymerase switching
Occurs once the primer is in place
Inert chromosomal ends that protect intact eukaryotic chromosomes from improper fusion or degradation, long stretches of short repeating sequences preserve the integrity/stability of chromosomes
Eukaryotic enzyme, adds repeats of six nucleotide sequence to 3’ end to fill gaps
RNA serves as template for synthesis of DNA complement (reverse transcriptase)
Telomerase activity and telomere length linked to….
Aging, cancer, other diseases
In most eukaryotic somatic cells telomerase is active or not active?
Not active
What cells maintain telomerase activity - immortalized
Stem cells and malignant cells
Homologous recombination
Genetic exchange at equivalent positions along two chromosomes with substantial sequence homology
Genetic recombination involves:
Endonuclease nicking, strand displacement and pairing with complement, ligation, branch migration, duplex separation
Gene conversion
Consequence of homologous recombination, characterized by nonreciprocal genetic exchange between two DNA molecules
Bacterial and viral chromosome components
Single nucleic acid
Largely devoid of associated proteins
Much smaller than eukaryotic
Bacterial chromosomes
Circular double stranded DNA compacted into nucleoid
Closed circular molecules, more compact and sediment more rapidly
Enzymes that cut one or both DNA strands, wind or unwind helix before resealing ends
Polytene chromosomes
Represent paired homologs, NOT NORMAL, seen in interphase cells, found in tissues such as salivary, rectal, midgut, fruit flies
Polytene chromosomes definition
DNA of paired holologs undergoes many rounds of replication without strand separation or cytoplasmic division
Puff regions
Bulges where DNA has uncoiled that are visible manifestations of high level gene activity (transcription that produces RNA)
Lampbrush chromosomes
Large with extensive DNA looping, easily isolated from oocytes in diplotene stage or prophase I of meiosis (it’s like a giant puff)
At interphase, eukaryotic chromosomes uncoil and decondense into a form called chromatin which is dispersed throughout the nucleus during interphase
Positively charged proteins associated with chromosomal DNA in eukaryotes, five main types
A length of DNA coiled around a core of histones (resembles beads on a string) are condensed several times to form intact chromatids
The structure the DNA forms when it makes a nucleosome
Histone tails
Not packed into the folded histone domains, allows for remodeling since we can stick things/remove things from the tails
Changes the charge if the histone, to make them spread out
Makes the histones stick together
Adds phosphate groups
Uncoiled and active, appears unsustained during telophase
Condensed areas are mostly inactive, appears stained during interphase
Chromosome banding techniques
Differential staining along longitudinal axis of mitotic chromosome (resemble polytene chromosome bands)
Only centromeres take up stain
Differential staining along length of each chromosome
Nomenclature for human chromosome banding
Based on g banding, nomenclature applied to X chromosome
Repetitive DNA sequences
Are repeated many times within eukaryotic chromosomes
Satellite DNA
Highly repetitive and consists of short repeated sequences, found in heterochromatic centromeric regions of chromosomes
Moderately repetitive DNA
Variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs), minisatelites
Variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs)
Repeating DNA sequences 15-100 bp long, found within and between genes
Micro satellites or STRs (short tandem repeats)
Tandemly repeated sequence, dispersed throughout genome
Short interspersed elements (SINES) and long interspersed elements (LINES)
Transposable sequences that are mobile and can relocate within genome, dispersed not tandemly repeated
Transposable elements generated via RNA intermediate (LINES)
Large number of single-copy noncoding regions
Each triplet specifies only one amino acid
A given amino acid can be specifies by more than one triplet code
Start and stop signals
Triplets that initiate and terminate translation
Once translation begins the codons move in sets of three, no commas
Any single ribonucleotide within mRNA is part of one triplet
Sequence of codons in a GENE is colinear (genes sequence in DNA matches RNA matches the rest of the strands)
Nearly universal
A single coding dictionary is used by viruses, prokaryotes, archaea, and eukaryotes
mRNA (messenger)
Serves as intermediate in transferring genetic information from DNA to proteins (carries from DNA to ribosome)
Triplet code
Provides 64 codons to specify 20 amino acids
Reading frame
Contiguous sequence of nucleotides
Frameshift mutation
Insertions or deletions shift reading frame and change codons downstream
Genetic code reads three nucleotides at a time in continuous linear manner (during translation genetic code is nonoverlapping)
What is meant when it is said that the genetic code is degenerate?
Many amino acids specified by more than one codon (only tryptophan and methionine are encoded by a single codon)
The wobble hypothesis
The initial two ribonucleotides of triplet codes are often more critical than the third
Methionine (AUG) - initiator codon
Initial amine acid incorporated into all proteins
Termination codons
UAG, UAA, UGA, do not code for any amino acid, translation terminates when these codons are encountered
Nonsense mutations
Mutations that produce a stop codon internally in gene, translation is terminated and a partial polypeptide is produced
Phage MS2
Bacteriophage that infects E. coli
Mitochondrial DNA exemptions to universal genetic code:
Codon UGA encodes tryptophan in yeast and humans instead of termination, AUA encodes internal insertion of methionine instead of isoleucine
Overlapping genes
Single mRNA has multiple initiation points and creates different reading frames
ORF open reading frame (overlapping genes)
DNA sequence produces RNA with start and stop, series of triplet codons specify amino acids to make polypeptide
RNA synthesized on DNA template
Specific DNA sequences in 5’ region upstream of initial transcription point
Consensus sequences
DNA sequences homologous in different genes of same organism
Chain elongation
Ribosomes are added to RNA chain, elongation proceeds under direction of core enzyme
Enzyme transverse entire gene until a termination nucleotide sequence is encountered
Transcription in eukaryotes
Occurs within nucleus, mRNA must leave nucleus for translation
Transcription factors
Scan/bind DNA, enhancers and silencers
RNA polymerase 1 makes…
rRNA in the nucleolus
RNA polymerase II makes
mRNA and snRNA in the nucleoplasm
TATA box
Core promoter element, determines transcription start site
Posttranscriptional modifications
Addition of 5’ cap, addition of 3’ tail, excision of introns
Regions of initial RNA transcript not expresses in amino acid sequence of protein
Sequence retained and expressed
Introns are removed, exons are joined together in mature mRNA, mature mRNA is smaller than initial RNA
Self splicing RNAs
Self excision group I introns occurs in bacteria, lower eukaryotes, and higher in plants
Pre-mRNA introns spliced out by spliceosome, reaction involves formation of lariat structure
Substitution editing
Identities of individual nucleotide bases are altered; prevalent in mitochondria and chloroplasts RNA derived in plants
Insertion/deletion editing
Nucleotides are added/deleted from total number of bases, prevalent in mitochondrial and chloroplasts RNAs
tRNAs transfer RNA
Adapt genetic information present as specific triplet codons in mRNA to corresponding amino acid
Have an essential role in expression of genetic information
rRNA genes, moderately repetitive DNA fraction present in clusters at various chromosomal sites
Structure of tRNA
tRNA has anticodon that complementarily base pairs with codon in mRNA
Aminoacylation: tRNA charging
Before translation can proceed, tRNA molecules must be chemically linked to respective amino acids
Three steps of translation of mRNA
Initiation, elongation, termination
Initiation complex = small robosomal subunit + initiation factors + mRNA at codon AUG
Initiation factors
Small and large ribosomal subunits, mRNA molecule, GTP, charged initiator tRNA, Mg2+, imitation factors
Both ribosomal subunits assembled with mRNA, forms P and A site
Signaled by stop codons in A site
GTP dependent release factors
Stimulates hydrolysis of polypeptide from peptidyl tRNA - released from translation complex
Polysomes or polyribosomes
mRNAs with several ribosomes translating at once, as mRNA passes through ribosome, it’s free to associate with another small subunit
Where does transcription occur in eukaryotes?
Where does translation occur in eukaryotes?
Kozak sequence
Eukaryotic mRNAs contain luring (A or G) three bases upstream from AUG initiator codon, followed by a G
Translation in eukaryotes requires…
More factors of initiation, elongation, and termination
Are ribosomes in eukaryotes free floating?
Not all of them, usually associated with endoplasmic reticulum
Alkaptonuria and phenylketonuria
Result from mutations that lead to metabolic blocks
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Phenylalanine hydroxylase is inactive in affected individuals, phenylalanine is not converted into tyrosine and enters cerebrospinal fluid, causing mental retardation
One gene:one enzyme hypothesis
George Beadle showed genes are directly responsible for synthesis of enzymes (purposely exposed neurospora to bad things trying to force mutations, partner was Tatum)
One gene: one polypeptide chain hypothesis
Nearly all enzymes are proteins - not all proteins are enzymes, proteins have subunit structure with two or more polypeptide chains
Sickle cell anemia
Recessive genetic disease, affected individuals are homozygous for the gene, makes the blood cells pointy and easier to clog passages, heterozygotes are carried but largely unaffected
Chemical differences between normal and sickle cell hemoglobin
HbS and HbA hemoglobin differ by single peptide fragment
Order of nucleotides in gene correlates directly with order of amino acids in corresponding polypeptide
Precursors to proteins, amino acids assembled on and released from ribosomes as polypeptides
Polypeptides folded up into a functional three dimensional conformation
Amino acids
Add to the diversity of proteins, carboxyl group on one side and amino acid on the other making it positive and negatively charged, and a r group which determines the overall reactivity of the amino acid and type of amino acid
Peptide bond
Dehydration reaction facilitates bond between carboxyl group of one amino acid and amino acid group of another