genetics populations evolution and ecosystems 3.7 Flashcards
aqa alevel biology
what is a population?
group of organisms of same species living in the same area at the same time that can interbreed to make fertile offspring
what is a habitat?
part of an ecosystem where specific organism lives
what is a community?
all populations of different species that are in the same area at the same time
what is an ecosystem?
community and non living components of an environment
what is a niche?
an organisms role in the environment and its position of food webs and habitat
what is the carrying capacity?
maximum population size an ecosystem can support
what are abiotic factors?
non living conditions of an ecosystem
what are biotic factors?
living parts of an ecosystem and their interactions with each other
examples of abiotic factors?
temperature pH light intensity soil conditions
what effects does abiotic factors have on population size?
the less harsh the abiotic factors the more species adapted to them so larger population size
what is interspecific competition?
organisms of different species compete for the same resources
what is intraspecific competition?
organisms of same species compete for the same resources or a mate
predator and prey relationships
- the population of both fluctuate over time
- size of populations always goes prey then predator
what is the method for mark release recapture?
- inital sample captured
- organisms marked and released back into environment. number recorded
- marked organisms left for a period of time
- second sample captured
- total number of second sample recorded + number of organisms recaptured (marked)
- size of population then estimated
how to make population size results more reliable?
repeat mark release recapture multiple times