Genetics- Ch. 16 Flashcards
Genomic Care
ensuring that the influence of a person’s genetic history on health and disease is considered as part of general assessment info for all patients and families
Genetic professional
has extensive education and special credentials
Genetic counseling
“the process of helping people understand and adapt to the medical, psychological and familial implications of genetic contribution to disease occurrence or recurrence”
What does it mean when it is said that all counseling must be performed in nondirective manner?
the person providing genetic info and counseling presents all facts and available options in a way that neither promotes nor excludes any decision or action
Certified genetic counselor (CGC)
genetics professional who has a master’s degree in genetic counseling from a graduate program accredited by the Am. Board of Genetic Counselors (ABGC) and passed exam.
Who can become a clinical geneticist?
only a physician who graduated from an accredited medical college, passed the medical board exam, and eligible for licensure
Are Medical Geneticist physicians?
NO. They often work along w/ CGCs to provide accurate recurrence risk info and hold a PhD
Do you have to pass an exam to be an Advanced Practice Nurse in Genetics (APNG)?
No, it’s just a professional portfolio review process that requires a masters, 50 hrs in genetics and 300 hrs of supervised experience as clinical genetic nurse
Genetics Clinical Nurse (GCN)
must have BSN and RN license, 5yrs of experience as a clinical nurse w/ great than a 50% genetic practice component. No exam taken, just a professional portfolio review process
What is the role of the general nurse in genomic care?
Whenever a nurse performs a patient assessment, the “red flags” of genetic risk and potential need for genetic referral should be kept in mind
What are the major responsibilities of the general nurse in genomic care?
Providing accurate information and look for cues of gentic issue, Ensuring appropriate referral, Serving as a patient advocate, Maintaining confidentiality