Genetics Flashcards
What are the hallmark features of BWS and which are the most common prenatally?
Most common observed PRENATALLY:
Macrosomnia (90%)
Polyhydramnios (50%)
What is the genetic defect in BWS?
(Mainly) deregulation of imprinted genes within chromosome 11p15.5
What are the surveillance recommendations in BWS?
Tumour surveillance every 3 months to age 8
- Abdominal USS every 3 months to age 4
- Renal USS (incl. adrenals) every 3 months between ages 4-8
- Serum AFP every 2-3 months up to age 4
This is because risk of neoplasia concentrated in first 8 years of life
What are the two most common neoplasias seen in BWS?
Wilm’s tumour
What is the cause of hypoglycaemia in BWS?
What are the clinical manifestations of Marfan syndrome?
Cardinal = Skeletal, cardiovascular, ocular
Reduced upper:lower segment ratio, arm:height ratio >1.05, anterior chest wall deformity, abnormal spine curvature, protrusio acetabuli, joint hypermobility (wrist and thumb sign), arachnodactyly, camptodactyly, craniofacial (long narrow skull, deep eyes, recessed mandible, high palate, downslanting palpebral fissure)
Thickening of AV valves, aortic valve dysfunction (aneurysm, rupture, dissection), long QT
OCULAR Ectopia lentis (UPward dislocation), flat cornea, increased axial globe length, hypoplastic iris, ciliary muscle hypoplasia
How do you manage Marfan?
- Activity restriction
- Aortic surgery +/- mitral valve repair
- Endocarditis prophylaxis
- Beta-blocker
MS = autosomal dominant
Abnormal production, matrix deposition and/or stability of fibrillin-1
What syndrome is associated with hypoplasia of middle phalynx of fifth digit?
Down syndrome
What chromosome is affected in Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)?
Chromosome 15
= absence of expression of the paternally active genes on the long arm of chromosome 15
What is the most common syndrome cause of obesity?
Prader-Willi syndrome
What are the antenatal manifestations of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)?
Reduced fetal activity
Breech positioning
What are the manifestations of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) by age?
INFANCY Neonatal hypotonia Feeding difficulty (poor suck) weak cry Genital hypoplasia
EARLY CHILDHOOD Late motor milestones Short stature Failed growth spurt Hyperphagia (age 1-6) Obesity (abnormal body composition)
Delayed secondary sexual characteristics
Behavioural issues
What are the behavioural characteristics seen in Prader-Willi syndrome?
Temper tantrums
Obsessive compulsive behaviours
What conditions are associated with mid-face hypoplasia?
CRANIOFACIAL SYNDROMES Crouzon Apert Marshall-Stickler Pfeiffer
Hydantoin syndrome (= fetal exposure maternal phenytoin or carbamazepine)
Cleft palate
= upper jaw, cheekbones and eye sockets not grown as much as rest of face -> bug-eyed appearance, under-bite