Genetic studies Flashcards
Proportion of genetic material monozygotic twins share
Proportion of genetic material dizygotic twins share
Within genetic studies, the target person being studied
Method of carrying out family studies where the family history is taken from the proband
Family history method
Method of carrying out family studies where the available relatives are directly interviewed to carry out a family history
Family study method
Main disadvantage to family history method for family studies
Many false negatives
Concordance rate among twins which takes the number of concordant pairs out of all participating pairs e.g. if 10 twin pairs are taking part in a study and 3 are concordant while 7 are discordant the concordance rate is 30%
Pairwise concordance rate
Concordance rate among twins which looks at the proportion of proband twins who have a concordant co-twin
Proband concordance rate
Hardy Weinberg equation where p is the frequency of the dominant allele and q is the frequency of the recessive allele
p² + 2pq + q²= 1
MZ concordance for male alcoholism
MZ concordance for female alcoholism
MZ concordance for panic disorder
MZ concordance for bulimia nervosa
MZ concordance for ADHD
MZ concordance for autism
MZ concordance for Tourette’s syndrome
DZ concordance for male alcoholism
DZ concordance for female alcoholism
DZ concordance for panic disorder
DZ concordance for bulimia nervosa
DZ concordance for ADHD
DZ concordance for autism
DZ concordance for Tourette’s syndrome
Complete identification of affected individuals in a population
Complete case ascertainment
Family tree which shows a persons family relationships and family medical history
Genogram symbol for a male
Genogram symbol for a female
Genogram symbol for a person of unspecified sex
Genogram symbol for a deceased individual
Square/circle/diamond with a line diagonally through
Genogram symbol for an affected individual
Coloured in shape
Genogram symbol for a proband
Shape with a small arrow pointing towards it
Genogram symbol for a mating couple
Single line joining their shapes
Genogram symbol for a consanguineous mating couple
Double line between their shapes
Genogram symbol for dizygotic twins
Bunch of cherries shape - line going to each person’s shape from a common point from the generation above
Genogram symbol for monozygotic twins
Line going to each person’s shape from a common point from the generation above, and also a direct line between the two twins’ shapes
Molecular genetic study method where DNA markers are spread out over all 23 pairs of chromosomes and genotyping is carried out among sibling pairs to see how many alleles they share at each locus
Sib pair analysis
Type of study where a gene is taken from one organism and put into another to monitor its effect
Transgenic study
Type of study where a gene is taken from one organism and put into another to monitor its effect
Transgenic study
Term used to separate behavioural phenomena into stable phenotypes with clear heritability
MZ concordance for Alzheimer’s dementia
DZ concordance for Alzheimer’s dementia
Gene and location associated with CADASIL
NOTCH3 - chromosome 19p13.1-13.2
Gene and location associated with FTD in patients who have tau protein based changes
MAPT gene - chromosome 17q21
Gene and location associated with FTD in patients who do not show tau based changes
PGRN gene - chromosome 17q21
MZ concordance for autism
Genogram symbol for a carrier
Shape half coloured in
Prediction made in the Hardy-Weinberg equation
Proportion of the population who are heterozygous carriers for an autosomal recessive condition based on the proportion of the population who are affected